Government Jobs for Retirees

Business man in front of the Capitol

Government jobs for retirees offer excellent opportunities for seniors who are looking for part time or full time employment.

Types of Government Employment for Retirees

The federal government hires retirees for many different positions. You may have the option of exploring new avenues in your field of expertise through these opportunities. Employees do not necessarily have to relocate to find employment; many vacancies are available throughout the country.

Types of U.S. government jobs include:

  • Accounting and auditing
  • Business professionals
  • Childcare
  • Computer specialist
  • Education
  • Electronics specialist
  • Criminal investigators and corrections officers
  • Lawyers, paralegals and judges
  • Social workers

Where to Find Government Jobs for Retirees

You can find government jobs for retirees through a number of resources, and the best approach depends on your specific needs. Programs can help seniors who are in any of the following situations:

  • Looking to re-enter the workforce
  • Dealing with poverty
  • Retired educators
  • Retired government employees
  • Veterans


USAJobs is an outstanding resource for people who are looking to reenter the workforce in a government position. The website serves as a search engine for potential federal employees to explore.

America's Veteran

America's Veteran offers job placement opportunities for retired veterans looking for work with the government. In addition, the resource provides information about the hiring process, eligibility and special hiring authorities.

Experience Works

Experience Works finds employment for people who are 55 or older. The charitable organization can get potential employees in touch with local programs. Visit the Experience Works website to learn which programs you qualify for. The organization's Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is designed to help low income seniors to find work. The program offers training, counseling, and job placement for people 55 and older who qualify.

Experience Works also offers a JobReady Assessment Tool and a Job Search feature. The Assessment tool can help narrow the search for employment using your skills and interests. The Job Search feature allows you to look for vacancies, and it matches you to job openings based on the results of the assessment.

U.S. Department of Education

The U.S. Department of Education is an excellent resource for retired teachers and professionals in the field of education to find government work. Prospective employees can look for vacancies in the following areas:

  • Accountant
  • Administration and program staff
  • Attorney
  • Contract specialist
  • Education program specialist
  • Education research analyst
  • Financial analyst
  • Information technology management specialist
  • Program manager
  • Security administrator
  • Additional areas

National Institutes of Health

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a government medical research agency that reemploys retired federal employees. Reemployed workers may serve as mentors, trainers and support staff for program managers. Retirees are particularly appealing candidates for these positions because they offer the knowledge and experience necessary to develop the best practices for each endeavor. More information is available at Employment Opportunities for Retired Federal Employees at the NIH website.

It's Never too Late to Start

Don't hesitate to seek government employment if you are looking for a post-retirement career opportunity. Take inspiration from Sally Gordon, who has been an assistant sergeant-at-arms for the Nebraska Legislature for 26 years. She began working for the organization when she was 75 years old, and at 101, she still has no plans to retire. Mrs. Gordon is just one example of the many seniors that find working through retirement years is very rewarding.

Whether you are looking to reenter the workforce as a government employee, or you are exploring options for new experiences in this realm, government jobs for retirees are readily available. Government job websites can help you start on a path to rewarding employment after retirement.

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Government Jobs for Retirees