Jobs for retirees offer opportunities for senior citizens to enter the workforce in full time or part time positions. Find opportunities for employment using established organizations as well as some surprising resources.
Popular Jobs for Retirees
Many retirees are looking to re-enter the workforce, and many employers are more than happy to accommodate them. There are many options for seniors who are seeking employment, including:
Temporary Employee
Temp agencies can offer a wide range of opportunities for retirees looking for work. Temporary jobs may lead to permanent or full time positions. Manpower is a leading temp agency that can find placement for seniors.
Jobs in Retail
Retirees can turn their favorite places to shop into their favorite places to work. Retail employment offers great opportunities to meet new people. Positions include greeter, salesperson and recovery. Work is available in various settings:
- Card shops
- Department stores
- Florists
- Grocery stores
- Hobby shops
- Speciality shops
Nonprofit Jobs
Retirees with management experience may want to consider putting their skills to work for a nonprofit agency. Bridgespan, a company that provides information and support for nonprofit organizations, has a searchable job board that seniors can use to look for openings.
Jobs for retirees include teaching positions that provide and opportunity to share skills and knowledge earned throughout the years. Those who are not certified to teach may be able to find work in vocational and technical schools. Alternately, seniors who want to teach may be interested in earning certification. The National Center for Alternative Certification offers information about alternative teaching certification programs in the United States.
Working as a consultant can be a rewarding endeavor. Retirees offer much knowledge in various fields because many have dedicated their lives to their former careers. Retirees can market the skills and insight to their former employers or a consulting firm. Many consultants are self employed, which provides the flexibility of creating their own schedules.
Start a Small Business
It's never too late to start a new business. SCORE Counselors to America's Small Business offers free advice to entrepreneurs of all ages. Retirees can visit local SCORE offices or attend workshops in person and online. In addition retired professionals can volunteer to help aspiring business owners to develop their budding companies.
Retiree Job Resources
Many resources are available to help retirees find work, and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is an outstanding choice.
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is a surprising resource for seniors who are looking for work. The AARP offers information about:
- Employee rights and benefits
- Job hunting
- Work and retirement tools
- Working after retirement
AARP has a Best Employers for Workers Over 50 program that recognizes employers that have the best policies and practices for senior employees. Past winners include:
- FCCI Insurance Group
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Intel Corporation
- L.L. Bean, Inc.
- Michelin North America
- National Institutes of Health
- Pinnacle Health System
- S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
- Stanley Consultants
- TriHealth, Inc.
Many colleges and universities make the list of outstanding employers for retirees, and Cornell University is consistently a top winner. Seniors can benefit from exploring options in their local communities, or with their alma maters.
Senoirs4Hire.org is an online career center that caters to people older than 50. Membership is free, and job seekers can use the site to find work.
- Create a profile
- Post a resume
- Search for positions in the nationwide job database
- Post a "job wanted" request
- Receive job notifications
Your Encore
Your Encore is ideal for retired engineers, scientists and product development specialists. Visitors can enroll as experts and create a resume using the site's template. Once enrolled, the retired professional becomes part of a network that works on short-term projects that typically last two to six weeks. Some projects are very short and last a day or two; others can last an entire year.
Experience Works
While Your Encore is ideal for retired professionals, Experience Works is a charitable organization that helps seniors receive the training necessary to qualify for jobs in their communities. The Senior Community Service Employment Program is a federal program designed to provide people aged 55 or older with employment opportunities.
More Information
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