Meaningful Careers

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When it comes to graduation, from either high school or college, the subject of meaningful careers will occupy most, if not all, of the minds of those new graduates. It is important to embark on a career that will be fulfilling, rewarding, offers advancement, and has all of the benefits that would make that career an attractive long-term option. There is a plethora of meaningful careers; from retail to management, to retail management. However, what is important when looking at meaningful careers is that the career in question is suitable for the candidate's personality, financial needs, and ambitions.

There are many aspects involved when looking to choose a career - the educational level required, the amount of training involved, the distance to travel, the complexity of the job itself and other such factors. Some careers require a lot of travel. Other careers require a lot of repetition that might not be suitable for those with low attention spans or concentration levels. Additionally, some careers are physically high-risk, whilst others again are largely mundane and routine. The important consideration is that the career of choice is compatible with the career-seeker's outlook on the present and the future. Although it's a cliché, when looking at meaningful careers, you do get out of them what you put into them in the first place.

What to Look for When Examining Meaningful Careers

Consider these questions when thinking of the right career choice. Although a career choice is not set in stone, and quite often can be changed, it is best to take some time to think about what each career means. Meaningful careers are only meaningful if they fulfill something that a person needs in life. That "something" can be anything from money, status and property through to personal fulfillment, task-completion and job security. It is always best to ask some questions when examining the advantages and disadvantages of the various meaningful careers, such as:

  • How much time will it take to master the career?
  • How long will it take to advance up the career ladder?
  • How important is a college education to this career?
  • What are the financial rewards, short-term and long-term?
  • How mobile is the career choice? Are the skills transferable to other careers?

It is wise to consider these, and many more, factors while considering what is the best career to engage in. Forethought, good planning and assessment are the best routes to getting involved in a life-long career that satisfies every need, rather than changing careers mid-life and having to begin all over again.

Types of Career

There are many different types of career open to the discerning person. Meaningful careers exist in all sorts of areas. Depending on the personality of the individual, career choices can include, but are not limited to, some of the following:

  • Business careers - a career in banking, management, and accountancy are generally financially well rewarded as well as secure. Those individuals who are good with numbers or people would be wise to consider these types of careers.
  • Military careers - Army, Navy, Marines, and the Air Force are all options for the individual who is interested in such a career. The opportunities for advancement are many, although the job is physically demanding, psychologically tough, and can be highly risky in terms of potential catastrophes. However, the opportunity to serve one's country is something that appeals to many people.
  • Creative careers - these careers include actors, musicians, artists, directors, graphic designers, and writers. These can be very personally rewarding, but for many people they can also be financially demanding, especially in areas where talent is the benchmark for success. Creative talents can find much satisfaction lending their skills to commercial interests, such as in advertising and design, rather than in creative interests, such as movie making and music.

Career Resources

Many types of careers can be examined and considered for the discerning potential candidate. The best way to ensure the most appropriate choice from the many meaningful careers is to talk to a career guidance officer and by researching into the various requirements and outlooks for each career of interest. Some resources are:

Overall, do the research and a lot of thought before making a final decision on the right career. At times, that career choice might cease to be fulfilling and a new career is needed. The process should always be the same, though. Good research and planning can help to reduce the likelihood of having to switch careers.

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Meaningful Careers