When making decisions about your future occupation, you might find it helpful to review a comprehensive list of career options. This alphabetical list of careers is organized into occupational clusters. If you already know which clusters interest you the most, you can take the time to research the jobs in those fields. You can also browse various types of careers and their requirements to see what catches your attention.
Careers in Agriculture and Natural Resources
If you'd like to harness the power of nature to ensure the safety and stability of the environment and people's food supply, you might be in interested in working in agriculture or natural resources. These jobs run the gamut from learning how to manage the earth's resources to producing the food people eat.
- Agricultural Food Scientist - As an agricultural food scientist, you would analyze methods of crop production and farming practices. The results of such studies can be used to heighten crop yield and food quality.

- Animal Breeder - You can breed farm animals or pets, such as a dog breeder, using knowledge of animal behavior, genealogy, and artificial insemination.
- Conservation Scientist - The main duty of a conservation scientist is to manage land use in compliance with government regulations so that ranchers or farmers can make good use of natural resources without causing harm.
- Environmental Engineer and Technician - Environmental engineers draw the fields of chemistry, soil science, engineering, and biology to solve environmental problems such as pollution and the disposal of hazardous waste. Environmental engineering technicians implement the plans that environmental engineers devise.
- Environmental Scientist - The work of environmental scientists ranges across multiple scientific disciplines, including ecology, biology, chemistry, soil science, and geology. They study how earth's ecosystems and non-living elements come together to impact the environment.
- Farmer or Rancher - With increasing demand for healthy food choices, you might be able to make a living as a farmer who grows or raises food, including beef, pork, poultry, or vegetables. You could also be a rancher, which involves raising livestock and maintaining the land and facilities where the animals are kept.
- Fish and Game Warden or Conservation Officer - Like police officers, fish and game wardens enforce the rules of a state related to fishing, boating, hunting, and other wildlife laws.
- Fish Hatchery Manager - As a fish hatchery manager, you would be responsible for managing the activities of workers who trap fish, incubate their eggs, and transfer the adult fish to natural bodies of water like streams or lakes or to commercial facilities.
- Fisher - Commercial fishers work on boats to catch fish and other types of marine creatures, which are used for human food or animal food. They use a variety of equipment in their trade, such as traps, nets, or fishing rods. As a fisher, you could work offshore or near-shore, on a large boat with a sizable crew or on a small boat with fewer people.
- Food Scientist and Technologist - Food scientists draw on sciences such as biology and chemistry to conduct studies about the biochemistry and makeup of food. Food science technicians apply the knowledge gained by food scientists to develop new kinds of food, test food to make sure nutritional labels are correct, and ensure that food is free from bacterial contaminants.
- Forester - Foresters engage in a wide variety of duties that involve the conservation and management of forests. If you become a forester, you might do any of the following: harvest timber, enforce laws pertaining to forestry, or oversee activities that take place in forests such as hunting and recreation.
- Geophysicist - As a geophysicist you'll study the geology of the Earth using a variety of scientific methods and use that information to find precious materials or evaluate environmental hazards.
- Landscaping and Groundskeeper - Landscaping careers include landscape architecture and landscape design. In both of these careers, you will design outdoor environments like gardens, highways, and parks. Groundskeepers are responsible for maintaining the outdoor environments designed by landscapers and keeping the areas clean and free of debris.
- Logger - A knowledge of how to operate logging machinery, sustainable harvesting, and the properties of trees are needed to become a logger. The main duties include cutting down trees and moving logs.
- Nursery and Greenhouse Manager - Managers of nurseries and greenhouses supervise workers at facilities where plants are grown. They must be knowledgeable about optimal growing conditions for the plant species they cultivate and how to handle problems like plant diseases.
- Pest Control Worker - As a pest control worker, you would examine buildings and structures for signs of problems with insects or rodents and use pesticide or other means to remove the infestations.
- Zoologist - If you love animals, you might want to become a zoologist. The job involves studying animals and their behavior, growth, and development. You'll also study diseases that affect animals and analyze how different species of creatures interact with one another.
Architecture and Construction Careers
In the field of architecture and construction, you'll find careers that are dedicated to developing, building, and designing residences and commercial structures. The field also includes careers that involve maintenance and upkeep of buildings.
- Architect - Architects draw up plans to design structures for human use, whether houses, commercial buildings, or complexes of buildings in urban settings. They work with clients on necessary design details for structures and draw up plans for construction.

- Building Inspector - A background in engineering helps building or construction inspectors evaluate structures and ensure they meet current codes and regulations set forth by local, state, and federal offices.
- Carpenter - As a construction carpenter, you'll work with wood or other materials to construct various kinds of structures for buildings, including frameworks, rafters, stairways, and partitions. You'll also be responsible for the repair of such structures.
- Drafter - Drafters create the technical drawings required by architects and engineers to design buildings and structures. They use computer software to turn building designs into drawings that meet technical specifications.
- Electrician - If you become an electrician, you will be responsible for the installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical wiring and lighting systems. You'll work with a variety of components, including circuit breakers, transformers, and control systems.
- Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanic - Heating and air conditioning mechanics, also called HVACR technicians, perform installation, maintenance, and repair work on heating and cooling systems in buildings.
- Heavy Equipment Operator - Special licenses and training are required to become a heavy equipment operator. On the job, you may be using an excavator, bulldozer, or crane operator.
- Highway Maintenance Worker - As a highway maintenance worker, you'll maintain a wide variety of roads, from rural streets to major thoroughfares. You'll be responsible for making repairs to pavement and guard rails and clearing debris from the roads.
- Mason - Masons are responsible for laying and connecting building materials such as brick, stone, concrete and other similar materials using mortar.
- Painter - Buildings and structures need to be painted and often need stain or other kinds of coatings. That's where professional painters come in. They paint the outside surfaces of buildings as well as inner structures, like walls.
- Plumber - Professional plumbers are vital for day-to-day living since they install, maintain, and repair water lines for household appliances and waste disposal components. When people need a plumber, they tend to need one quickly, so you would enjoy significant job security.
- Rigger - If you relish the idea of working with heavy equipment, you might want to become a rigger. Job duties include moving and lifting machinery by means of pulleys, hydraulic jacks, cranes, or flat bed trucks.
- Roofer - Professional roofers work on all things related to roofs, such as putting new roofs on buildings, repairing older roofs, and doing maintenance work to extend the lives of roofs. They strive to make sure roofs are sturdy and waterproof.
- Security System Installer - As a security system installer, you would be installing security systems for customers in their homes or businesses as well as demonstrating how the systems work and providing repairs and upkeep.
- Surveyor - Surveyors determine boundary lines for property. To do this, they measure angles and distances on the earth's surface while noting important features of the landscape. Sometimes, they need to research previous records and land titles.
Careers in Arts and Communication
Creatively inclined people may be well-suited for careers in the arts and communication. If you're an artistic person with a technological bent, consider career options that combine the two inclinations.
- Actor - Actors portray characters, whether on television, film, plays, or television commercials. They use their bodies, voices, and facial expressions to convey the essence of the character they are depicting, whether for a story or to impart information.
- Art Director - As an art director, you determine the unique visual style and appearance of the particular medium on which you work. You could work with a wide variety of media: magazines, advertisements, film/television production, or product packaging.
- Artisan/Craft Artist - Thanks to artisan marketplaces online and trendy vendor fairs, anyone can turn their craft into a career. From painting to sewing and woodwork to home decor, you can make a living selling things you craft by hand.
- Audio or Video Equipment Technician - Also known as audio video technicians, these creative people deploy technology to increase people's enjoyment of live performances and events. They use equipment such as microphones, amplifiers, projectors, and video recorders.
- Broadcast News Anchor - As a broadcast news anchor, you would be responsible for delivering news stories on a television or radio station. You would play a role in choosing news stories to present, and you would also introduce both taped and live stories from reporters in the field.
- Camera Operator - Camera operators use cameras and related equipment such as mobile mountings and cranes to film material for live broadcasts or for film or television. They generally work for film, television, or cable companies.
- Copywriter - If you're a concise writer with a style that really pops, you might consider a career as a copywriter. The job entails writing sharp, effective slogans and copy for marketing, promotional, and advertising purposes.
- Curator - As a professional curator, you might work in a museum, a university, or an art gallery. Curators are responsible for taking care of collections in exhibits, showing the collections to the public, acquiring and restoring items, and cataloging the collections.
- Dancer/Choreographer - If you love to dance, you might want to become a professional dancer, whether on Broadway, at theme parks, or ballet. Other ways to make a living from your love of dance include choreography and dance instruction.
- Desktop Publisher - Desktop publishers are responsible for designing the look and layout of magazines, brochures, and books, whether online or printed. They use specialized computer software to put together a distinct look that fits a given publication.
- Director of Stage, Motion Pictures or Television - Professional directors control the presentation or production of films, television shows, or live performances. Duties include figuring out the best lighting or camera angles, determining the mood and feel of the production, supervising casting choices, and figuring out how to bring scripts to life.
- Editor - Text editors must be highly proficient with the written word and fulfill a variety of functions. Job duties include correcting errors in text, revising, rewriting, fact-checking content, and developing story ideas with writers.
- Fashion Designer - As a fashion designer, you'll design clothes, shoes, and accessories. You'll start with sketches, then you'll select components and lay out the instructions to bring your designs to life.
- Film and Video Editor - As a film and video editor, you'll collaborate with the director to sort through the disparate elements that make up a film or video such as camera footage, special effects, and dialogue, and put them together into a coherent whole.
- Graphic Designer - Graphic designers create images and designs that communicate ideas and concepts to their viewers. These designs are used in a wide variety of media, including magazines, advertisements, and brochures.
- Journalist - As a journalist, you'll use your writing skills to develop and present news stories. Over the course of your job, you'll interview people and develop a list of contacts. You'll need to be a good fact-checker.
- Librarian - Librarians work in libraries and facilitate people's access all kinds of information. Today's libraries feature both books and digital media, so librarians need to be well-versed in database management and information retrieval.
- Library Technician - Library technicians work with librarians to code and catalog materials, organize periodicals, and help library patrons find the information and resources they need.
- Makeup Artist - Makeup artists are usually schooled in cosmetology and find work in various industries, including fashion or cosmetic services or in the entertainment field. They use makeup and various accessories to change people's appearance, whether for photography sessions or public performances.
- Multimedia Artist - If your favorite part of a movie is the special effects, you might want to look into a career as a multimedia artist. Job duties include utilizing technology to create visual effects like animation for films, television shows, and video games.
- Music Director - As a music director, you'll lead performances by orchestras or other types of musical groups, whether live or in the studio for recordings. Music directors are also known as conductors.
- Musician or Singer - If you're musically gifted, you might be able to make a living as a musician or singer. You'll need a great deal of talent and determination to achieve your goals. You can perform solo or with a group, and you'll spend your time performing, making recordings, and most likely both.

- Photographer - There are a number of ways to make a career out of photography. You could work as a portrait photographer or become a commercial or industrial photographer, taking pictures for businesses or factories. Taking pictures for news outlets, known as photojournalism, is also a possibility.
- Producer of Motion Pictures or Television - The movie producer is the person who makes movies or television shows happen. As a producer, you'll find an idea for a story, then turn it into a project that can be marketed and shown to audiences. You'll likely hire the director, supervise all levels of production, and involve yourself in marketing.
- Public Relations Specialist - As a public relations specialist, you'll develop and help maintain a positive public image for the organizations you represent. You can work for a public relations agency, or you might prefer to be employed in corporate public relations. It is also possible to do public relations for nonprofit organizations.
- Radio and Television Announcer - Radio and television announcers perform a variety of tasks such as delivering news, sports, and music broadcasts and interviewing guest speakers. Announcers can work either in studios or on a freelance basis.
- Technical Writer - A technical writer presents complicated concepts in language that can be understood by the public. As a technical writer, you could do any number of jobs, such as writing user manuals, feasibility studies, or summaries of scientific research results.
- Telecommunications Line Installer and Repairer - Also referred to as telecom technicians, these workers have numerous career options, including the installation of telecommunications equipment in homes and businesses, making repairs when needed, marketing products, and developing new devices.
- Usher - Whether for movie theaters or other performance venues, the job of a professional usher is to assist people with seating and maintain the safety and the cleanliness of the facility. Ushers sometimes sell tickets to guests and may take part in promoting a given event or performance.
- Writer - If you love stringing words together, there are many kinds of writing careers to consider. You can become a fiction writer and write novels or short stories. You could also write non-fiction, such as memoir or autobiography. Another possibility is freelance writing. All these options require both talent and perseverance.
Business Management and Administration Careers
If you have a mind for business, you will want to explore careers in administration and management. In some jobs you'll manage budgets and finances, and in others you'll manage employees. You can also use your business acumen to assist people in executive positions.
- Accountant or Auditor - Accountants and auditors analyze the financial records of individuals and organizations. Accountants make sure records are complete and correct and use them to prepare tax returns. Auditors ensure that records of financial activities are not misrepresented or misstated.

- Administrative Assistant or Secretary - Administrative assistants, also known as secretaries, work in all kinds of settings including businesses, government, hospitals, or schools. Duties include managing office functions such as payroll, purchasing office supplies, working on correspondence, and taking messages.
- Budget Analyst - As a budget analyst, you'll help an organization handle their finances, whether government, nonprofit, or business. You'll work with other people in the organization to prepare a budget for efficient operations.
- Customer Service Representative - Customer service representatives work for companies and function as liaisons between the organization and its customers. As a customer service representative, you'll answer customer questions and provide solutions to problems that people might be having with a company's products.
- Employment and Placement Specialist - Also known as recruiters, employment and placement specialists work to find the right people to fill positions at organizations. They also often provide job training for new hires.
- File Clerk - As a file clerk, you'll organize documents and records, both paper and online, for companies. Organizations rely on file clerks to to maintain databases of documents, cross-reference the records, and help retrieve them.
- Human Resources Manager or Assistant - Human resources managers and assistants work for companies by recruiting candidates for employment, keeping current employees up to date on company procedures, and processing paperwork.
- Legal Secretary - Legal secretaries, often referred to as legal assistants, perform administrative and office-related tasks to support lawyers. In addition to performing regular office duties, legal secretaries also prepare court documents and sometimes do research related to court cases.
- Management Analyst - As a management analyst, you'll work on how you can improve the efficiency and functioning of an organization. Some of the duties you'll perform might include developing solutions to increase cost effectiveness and writing reports on recommendations for change.
- Manager - If you have strong leadership skills, you might want to pursue a career as an operations manager. Job duties include supervising the operations and employees of an organization or a unit within a particular organization. Managers implement policies and procedures to facilitate operational efficiency and responsible financial practices.
- Medical Secretary or Assistant - In addition to performing general secretarial duties and office maintenance, medical secretaries and assistants work in health care settings and must be familiar with medical terminology. Job duties include billing patients, working with medical charts, and scheduling patient appointments.
- Operations Research Analyst - If you love organization and efficiency, you might thrive as an operations research analyst. Job duties would include using technology to analyze complicated real-world problems faced by an organization and coming up with solutions that facilitate better decisions.
- Proofreader - Proofreading jobs start right before a piece of writing is put in print and after it has been vetted by authors and editors. Proofreaders may work on books, magazines, or online content and perform last stage checks of writing quality to catch mistakes other people might have missed.
- Receptionist - A professional receptionist is the first person you see when you go into an organization, so it's vital that receptionists be friendly people who are good at greeting prospective customers. Other receptionist duties include handling telephone calls and scheduling meetings.
- Statistician - As a statistician, you'll be well-versed in statistical methodology, which you'll use to analyze data and find solutions to problems in your mathematical job. You may also be involved with research and development. Statisticians are often employed by government agencies and health care organizations.
- Title Examiner - Title examiners, also referred to as title searchers, analyze property records and ascertain whether or not a piece of property may be sold. They must have a high degree of familiarity with local, state, and federal property laws.
Careers in Education and Training
If you're drawn toward education, you might be interested in working in a school or training people to help fulfill their potential. A number of rewarding career options are available.
- Education Administrator - Education administrators include professionals such as principals, assistant principals, and school district administrators in elementary and secondary schools and deans on the college and university level. Job duties include preparing budgets, hiring teachers and other personnel, and setting school policies and procedures.
- Elementary School Teacher - If you love working with children, then a career as an elementary school teacher might be perfect for you. You'll create classroom lessons to teach children basic skills and knowledge in reading, math, social studies, and science.

- Fitness Trainer - Is fitness important to you? You could share your enthusiasm in a career as a fitness trainer. On the job, you'd teach people how to exercise to improve their strength and their cardiovascular fitness and endurance. You could be a group fitness trainer or work one-on-one with clients.
- Post-Secondary Teacher - If you'd like to teach young adults and college students of non-traditional age, you might want to become a post-secondary teacher. Also known as faculty or professors, post-secondary teachers instruct college, university, or community college students in various subjects such as English, philosophy, physics, or nursing.
- School Counselor/Social Worker/Psychologist - Also known as guidance counselors, school counselors work in educational settings to provide students with academic guidance and personal development. They help students make college and career choices.
- School Resource Officer - Police officers with a desire to work directly with kids can get certified as a school resource officer. These police officers work inside the school for most of the day and deal with issues ranging from truancy to active shooters.
- Secondary School Teacher - Secondary school teachers instruct middle and high school students. Each teacher specializes in one subject, such as English, history, algebra, or chemistry. High school teachers also help prepare students for standardized tests such as college entrance exams.
- Teacher Assistant - Teacher assistants provide assistance to classroom teachers. They help kindergarten, elementary, and secondary school teachers with instruction and grading papers. Forty percent of teacher assistants work on a part-time basis.
- Training Specialist or Manager - As a training specialist or training manager, you would be part of an organization's human resources department. Your job duties would center around training employees, whether in classroom settings, small groups, or online.
Finance Careers
If you're skilled in money matters, you'll want to find out what careers are available in the field of finance. Some careers focus on helping individual people manage their money while others help organizations run in a cost-effective manner.
- Actuary - Actuaries use statistics and mathematics, combined with financial theory, to perform risk assessment for organizations. They work for insurance companies, hospitals, employee benefit departments, and any company or portion of a company that strives to minimize financial risk.
- Bill and Account Collector - As a bill and account collector, your job will be to collect money from people who have past due debts. You'll make contact with people who owe money and work on repayment plans.

- Bookkeeper - Bookkeepers are responsible for entering financial transactions such as debits and credits into company records. They are responsible for the payroll of businesses and the production of invoices.
- Brokerage Clerk - As a brokerage clerk, your job duties will consist of transactions related to securities, whether selling or buying. You'll also keep track of fluctuations in price, distribute dividends, and keep appropriate records.
- Claims Adjusters and Examiners - Claims adjusters and examiners are responsible for evaluating insurance claims in the aftermath of automobile accidents. Their job is to make sure people are fairly compensated when accidents occur.
- Chief Financial Officer - As a chief financial officer (CFO), you'll oversee a cash flow and financial activities for your company. You'll also evaluate the firm's financial situation and work to improve it where possible.
- Credit Analyst - Credit analysts, also known as risk analysts, usually work for banks or brokerage companies. They analyze financial records of businesses to determine whether those businesses are a good risk for repaying loans.
- Economist - Economists analyze economic activities to understand how to solve problems and predict trends. There are several kinds of economists, including international economists, financial economists, and behavioral economists. A significant number of economists become college professors and instructors.
- Financial Advisor - As a financial advisor, you'll advise clients on financial issues. The guidance provided by financial advisors can include investment management and estate planning.
- Financial Analysts and Examiners - Financial analysts and examiners make sure that banks and other finance-related organizations comply with relevant laws. They do this by reviewing an institution's balance sheets and making risk assessments for loans.
- Financial Manager - A financial manager oversees all the financial activities of a given company. They produce reports and statements and they must be able to communicate complex financial information to other people in their company.
- Financial Services Sales Agent - There are several kinds of financial services sales agents, including stockbrokers, investment bankers, and investment banking sales agents and traders. These professionals sell securities and commodities and give financial advice and guidance to businesses and individual clients.
- Financial Specialist - Most financial specialists work for banks. Their job duties consist of advising people on investments, certificates of deposits, and other finance-related products and services.
- Insurance Appraiser - Insurance appraisers work for insurance companies, and their job is to examine vehicles that have been involved in accidents. They talk to people who witnessed the accident, take photographs of damage, and determine how much the insurance company should pay.
- Insurance Claims Clerk - As an insurance claims clerk, you'll communicate with people who are insured to get information from them to process their claims. You'll review their policies, then prepare their claim forms.
- Insurance Underwriter - Insurance underwriters assess risks for people who are seeking insurance. They don't usually communicate with clients. Rather, insurance agents talk to clients and get risk assessment information from the underwriters.
- Loan Officer - As a loan officer, you would work for a financial institution such as a mortgage company or bank. Your job would be to work with people and businesses who need loans, evaluate whether or not they qualify, and process applications.
- Market Research Analyst - If you have a penchant for detail work, you might enjoy a career as a market research analyst. You'll study market trends related to what people are buying and what they might want to buy in the future. Based on trends you discover, you would extrapolate effective marketing methods.
- Payroll Clerk - Payroll clerks make sure that people employed in companies, businesses, and industries get paid. They work with time sheets and keep computerized employment records of time worked, sick leave, and vacation time.
- Procurement Clerk - Procurement clerks are also known as purchasing assistants. They take care of purchase orders for businesses, and they're responsible for garnering price quotes from a company's various suppliers.
- Tax Examiners and Collectors - Whether on the federal, state, or local level, tax examiners and collectors enforce tax laws by making sure that people's taxes are paid on time. They audit returns and collect payments that are overdue.
- Teller - Bank tellers are bank employees who provide customer service. They provide assistance to customers of banks and credit unions by answering questions and conducting transactions such as withdrawals, deposits, and transfers. They also help customers open new accounts.
Government and Public Administration Careers
If you're drawn toward helping people, you might enjoy a career in public administration or in government. Careers such as these can make a positive difference in the lives of others.
- Chief Executive - As a chief executive of a public sector organization, you would be responsible for coming up with solid strategies, policies, and procedures to keep your organization on track to reach its goals and accomplish its mission.

- Emergency Management Specialist - Emergency management specialists fulfill critical roles during times of emergency or natural disaster. They set up shelters and routes for evacuation, provide food and water and medical assistance, and assist communities in applying for funds.
- Environmental Inspector - Also known as environmental compliance inspectors, environmental inspectors work for the government and make sure that business activities are in compliance with environmental laws, thereby helping to ensure the safety of the public.
- Equal Opportunity Officer - Equal opportunity officers make sure that the hiring practices of companies are in compliance with laws that forbid discrimination against people on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or national origin.
- Legislator - As a government legislator, you'll be a part of developing and instituting laws, whether on the local, state, or federal level. The role of a legislator is usually a position for which you must be elected.
- License Clerk - A license clerk works in government, whether on the local, state, or federal level. Job duties include getting information from people who are seeking permits or licenses, collecting any fees they owe, and administering tests needed for licensure.
- Municipal Clerk - As a municipal clerk, you would be involved in administrative duties for your town or city. These could include keeping records, working on elections, recording minutes for meetings, and filing and organizing important documents.
- Social and Community Service Manager - As government or nonprofit employees, social and community service managers are responsible for the administration of social programs that assist people in a community. They find out what programs are needed, hire the staff, and develop budgets necessary to carry them out.
- Urban Planner - As an urban planner, you would develop plans for land use in urban areas. Your goals would be to make the best possible use of land resources based on the needs of a given community.
Careers in Health Sciences
There are numerous career options for people drawn toward the healing professions. Careers in health care can be tremendously rewarding since they improve people's well-being and quality of life.
- Anesthesiologist - An anesthesiologist is a physician who specializes in pre-operative procedures that let surgeons perform operations without causing pain. They administer anesthesia before a patient's surgery and monitor vital signs during the procedure.
- Athletic Trainer - Athletic trainers work with physicians to provide care, diagnosis, and rehabilitation to people who have suffered injuries from athletic activities. They also give guidance on preventing athletic injuries.
- Chiropractor - A chiropractor is a health care professional who helps people manage back pain, arthritis, and stiffness in muscles and joints. They make use of massage, exercises, and hands-on manipulation of the affected areas.
- Dental Assistants and Hygienists - As a dental assistant, you'll help hygienists and dentists with their duties by processing x-rays and preparing equipment. Dental hygienists provide dental care in the form of cleanings, examinations for oral problems, and guidance on how to prevent cavities.
- Dentist - Doctors of dentistry, or dentists diagnose and treat oral conditions and problems with people's teeth. Their duties involve filling cavities, extracting bad teeth, and performing procedures such as root canals, crowns, and oral surgeries.
- Dermatologist - You'll use medical knowledge and training to diagnose, treat, and help prevent any issues concerning a person's skin when you become a dermatologist.
- Dietitians and Nutritionists - As a dietitian or nutritionist, you'll provide guidance to people on getting proper nutrition for optimum health. You'll also advise people what to eat to help them manage various diseases and health conditions.
- Doctor - Medical doctors treat patients by diagnosing diseases and health issues. Doctors can specialize in a wide variety of fields such as cardiology, pediatrics, or geriatrics, or they can work as general practitioners.

- Emergency Medical Technician - If you can perform well under pressure in a fast-paced environment, then a career as an emergency medical technician might be the right choice for you. EMTs transport patients to medical facilities while delivering stabilizing and often life-saving care.
- Licensed Practical Nurse - As a licensed practical nurse (LPN), your job duties will include taking patients' vital signs, helping them with personal hygiene, working with medical equipment, and giving medication.
- Massage Therapist - If you like the idea of a true hands-on job, you might want to become a massage therapist. These health care practitioners use their hands to help patients feel better, whether relieving stress or loosening tight muscles. They can specialize in areas like deep tissue massage, sports massage, and reflexology.
- Medical and Health Services Manager - Also known as health care administrators, medical and health services managers are responsible for coordinating medical services across a facility like a hospital or nursing home, for a particular department within a facility, or for a group of medical professionals.
- Medical Records Technician - As a medical records technician, you would maintain health data for patients and keep the data organized and accessible. Other duties include updating charts and making sure the data is secure.
- Occupational Therapist - An occupational therapist is a health care professional who helps patients recover from surgery or injuries and rehabilitates them to go back to their daily job duties.
- Optometrist - As an optometrist, or eye doctor, you'll provide patients with a wide range of vision care services. You'll diagnose eye problems and write prescriptions for eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct vision problems such as near-sightedness or far-sightedness.
- Orthodontist - Orthodontists are dental specialists who straighten crooked teeth and fix problematic bites with tools such as braces and retainers. As an orthodontist, you'll work with each patient to design a regimen to fit his or her unique problems.
- Pharmacist - As a pharmacist, you'll work with doctors and other medical professionals to fill prescriptions in drug stores and dispense the medicines to customers. You will need to have expansive knowledge of medicines and possible drug interactions.
- Pharmacy Technician - Pharmacy technicians help pharmacists fill and dispense prescriptions. One of the biggest challenges facing pharmacy technicians is keeping track of all the new medicines on the market as well as their generic equivalents.
- Physical Therapist - As a physical therapist, you'll help people who suffer from injuries and illness improve their mobility and return to their day-to-day activities. You'll develop a unique plan to help rehabilitate each individual patient based on his or her needs.
- Physician Assistant - Physician assistants work under the supervision of doctors and are able to diagnose, treat, and prescribe medicine for patients. They can also order laboratory testing as needed.
- Podiatrist - Podiatrists, or foot doctors, are health care professionals who specialize in feet. You might have heard them referred to as foot doctors. They diagnose and treat all manner of conditions related to the feet and ankles.
- Psychiatrist - As a professional psychiatrist, you would be a medical doctor who treats mental health conditions and substance abuse issues. They can evaluate a person's mental health through lab tests and prescribe medicine for a wide variety of conditions and disorders.
- Radiology Technician - Radiology technicians are health care specialists that perform diagnostic tests on patients using imaging technology like computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and x-rays.
- Recreational Therapist - If you like the idea of helping ill or disabled people improve their lives, you might make a good recreational therapist. Job duties include the use of recreational activities or hobbies to improve the mental outlook and physical fitness of the ill and disabled.
- Registered Nurse - As a registered nurse, you'll work closely with physicians and other medical professionals to deliver medical care to patients. You might also supervise other nurses like LPNs, do laboratory work, and assist surgeons during medical procedures.
- Respiratory Therapist - A respiratory therapist is a health care professional who specializes in treating people who suffer from pulmonary conditions such as emphysema, asthma, and other chronic respiratory problems.
- Surgeon - As a surgeon, you'll be a medical doctor who operates on patients to treat a wide variety of diseases and conditions. You can be a general surgeon, or you can specialize in a particular area like reconstructive surgery or cardiovascular surgery.
- Speech-Language Pathologist - Speech-language pathologists are clinical professionals who work with patients to treat communication, speech, and vocal disorders as well as swallowing problems.
- Veterinarian - If you love to take care of animals, you might want to consider a career as a veterinarian, or animal doctor. Job duties center around providing medical care and treatment to all kinds of animals. Depending on your location, you'll be keeping up with everything from canine care to horse health to cattle constitution.
- Veterinary Assistant - A job as a veterinary assistant is another great choice for a person who loves animals. Veterinary assistants clean cages, provide animals with food and water, and help veterinarians during surgical procedures.
Careers in Hospitality and Tourism
People love to relax, be comfortable, and have fun enjoy working in the hospitality industry. Whether you're interested in providing people with good food, quality lodging, or engaging entertainment, you'll likely discover a career in the hospitality field that's just right for you.
- Athlete - If you've got the talent, working in a cool career as a professional athlete in sports like basketball, football, or baseball is an option.
- Amusement and Recreation Attendant - Amusement and recreation attendants work at facilities like theme parks, amusement parks, and recreation facilities. Job duties include maintaining equipment, scheduling activities, and operating rides and concession stands.
- Bellhop - Also known as baggage porters, bellhops work at hotels and provide services that include transferring luggage from vehicles to hotel rooms, informing travelers of hotel services and local activities, and assisting people who have special needs.

- Bartender - If you're an extrovert who is gifted at multi-tasking and you enjoy a bustling environment, you might make a great bartender. Job duties include preparing alcoholic drinks and serving them to customers, whether directly or via wait staff.
- Chef - There are several kinds of professional chefs. Head chefs, or executive chefs, are in charge of the kitchen at a restaurant or similar facility. They direct the operations of the kitchen. Sous chefs are second in command and supervise the line cooks who actually cook the food.
- Coaches and Scouts - If you're oriented toward sports and athletic activities, a career as a coach or scout might be right for you. Coaches instruct athletes on the skills necessary to do well in their chosen sport while scouts look for new talent to add to a team.
- Cook - Cooks in restaurants are also known as line cooks, and they're the people who, supervised by chefs and sous chefs, cook the food served to patrons.
- Dishwasher - As a dishwasher at a restaurant, you'll wash the dishes. Usually, you'll be able to employ an efficient commercial dishwasher and dryer, but larger pots, skillets, and pans might have to be washed by hand.
- Food Preparation Worker - Under the supervision of chefs, food preparation workers do the prep work required to put together meals in restaurants. They dice vegetables, slice meat, and mix and store ingredients.
- Food Service Manager - Food service managers are in charge of restaurants. They are responsible for directing the chefs, cooks, and wait staff, and they also are in charge of the business activities of the restaurant.
- Gaming and Sports Book Writer - As a gaming and sports book writer, you'll provide information to people about how to wager at various sporting events, process winning tickets, and deliver payouts.
- Gaming Cage Worker - Gaming cage workers are employed by casinos and keep track of cash flow. They also provide a summary of each day's activities.
- Gaming Dealer - Casinos employ gaming dealers, also known as casino dealers, to run various games like blackjack, roulette, or craps. Working as a gaming dealer isn't just about spinning a wheel or dealing cards. You also have to keep up an entertaining patter to draw guests to your table and keep them there.
- Gaming Manager - As a gaming manager, you'll function as a customer service representative for the casino for which you work. You'll chat with customers and make sure they're having a great time.
- Hotel Desk Clerk or Agent - Hotel desk clerks work at the front desk of a hotel, checking in guests. You'll greet guests, verify how they want to pay, and process their payment. Other job duties include providing guests with room cards or keys and keeping track of which rooms are occupied.
- Maids and Housekeepers - As a maid or housekeeper, you could work in a variety of venues, including private homes, hospitals, or hotels. You would do housekeeping work including dusting, vacuuming, making beds, discarding trash, and tidying up rooms.
- Recreation Worker - Recreation workers can be found in parks, playgrounds, senior centers, and other places geared toward recreation. They plan and lead various kinds of fun activities for participants while also maintaining safety standards.
- Tour Guide - As a tour guide, you'll lead groups of people to show them various areas of interest, whether in a city, an art gallery, or a museum. You'll share your knowledge with them and answer their questions.
- Travel Agent - If you enjoy both sales and travel, you might love a career as a travel agent. Job duties include selling travel packages to customers, booking flights and hotel rooms, and giving advice to customers about travel requirements such as passports for international trips.
- Umpires and Referees - In the world of sports, umpires and referees are the people who enforce the rules of the game during play. They officiate the game, make judgment calls, and penalize players or teams when rules are broken.
- Waiters and Waitresses - Waiters and waitresses work in restaurants and are also known as wait staff or servers. They're responsible for greeting patrons, taking orders for food and drink, serving patrons their orders, and processing payment.
Human Services Careers
Human services careers let you provide compassionate guidance, whether spiritual, therapeutic, or rehabilitative. The field encompasses jobs in the social sciences as well as jobs in homes, child care centers, and churches.
- Child Care Worker - As a child care worker, you'll take care of children, whether as a babysitter, a nanny, or in a child care center. You'll make sure children are safe, clean, and fed. You'll also be responsible for engaging children in enjoyable activities, and you might also help them with homework.
- Clergy - If you're a spiritual person, you might feel called to a career in the clergy. You would lead church services and officiate at weddings and funerals. You would also be a pastor to the people of your congregation and provide spiritual guidance.
- Clinical Psychologist - Clinical psychologists work with clients to diagnose and treat mental health disorders. They come up with plans for treatment and keep track of their clients' progress. They also conduct research and publish their findings in journals.
- Counselor - Mental health counselors help patients cope with various life challenges such as marriage problems, parenting issues, and stress, and they often collaborate with social workers and psychiatrists.
- Educational Psychologist - As an educational psychologist, you'll study how people learn by analyzing classroom environments, teaching procedures, and factors that can create learning difficulties.
- Funeral Director - Funeral directors are responsible for managing everything from caring for the body of a deceased person to planning the funeral and assisting with burial options. This position requires knowledge of mortuary science and skills working with grieving people.
- Marriage and Family Therapist - Marriage and family therapists treat people for problems like stress and depression in a context that addresses not just individuals but also the marriages and families of which the individuals are a part.

- Probation Officer - As a probation officer, you would work with people who have been put under probation by the court system. With an eye toward rehabilitation, you would help them with such things as education, housing, and career guidance.
- Social Worker - If you're interested in a helping profession, you might want to become a social worker. Job duties include assisting people and communities with difficulties and challenges. Clinical social workers are found in human services agencies, mental health clinics, and hospitals.
- Sociologist - Sociologists study how people interact and behave with one another in various contexts such as families, small groups, and larger populations and how they are influenced by factors such as religion, politics, and culture.
- Substance Abuse Counselor - As a substance abuse counselor, you would work with people who abuse alcohol, drugs, or other substances with an eye toward helping them break their addiction and improve their mental and emotional health.
Information Technology Careers
If you want to be a part of a rapidly growing field, you'll want to check out the available careers in the field of information technology. As people perform more and more of their daily activities through the use of computing technology, there is tremendous potential for growth in this field.
- Computer and Information Science Manager - Also called information technology (IT) managers, computer and information sciences managers supervise, plan, and coordinate an organization's technology-related activity.
- Computer Programmer - As a computer programmer, you'll use a programming language like C++ or Python to write programs that get computers to perform a wide range of tasks.

- Computer Security Specialist - Computer security specialists are responsible for protecting computers and networks from cyber attacks such as hacking and security breaches.
- Computer Software Engineer - Job duties for computer software engineers include developing software programs for computer systems, testing the software, and fixing problems with the code.
- Computer Support Specialist - If you're a technical type who likes to help people, you might enjoy a career as a computer support specialist. Whether you work at a help desk or in an IT department, you'll solve problems people are having with their computers or software.
- Computer Systems Analyst - As a computer systems analyst, you'll ensure that an organization is using its computing resources with maximum efficiency and cost effectiveness.
- Database Administrator - The job duties of database administrators are to make sure that a computer database is securely maintained and that people are able to access the information stored in the database.
- Network Administrator - As a network administrator, you'll see to it that an organization's computer networks run efficiently and smoothly and troubleshoot any problems that might arise.
- Video Game Designer - These are the people who develop new ideas and technologies for recreational use in video games for people of all ages on gaming systems, computers, and cell phones.
- Website Developer - If you're a technologically oriented person with creative flair, you might do well as a website developer. You'll design websites, with responsibilities for how they look and function.
Careers in Law, Public Safety, and Security
Do you like the idea of protecting and serving the public? If so, you'll want to check into possibilities in the field of law enforcement and related areas.
- Air Crew Officer - Air Crew officers are the people who are entrusted to operate aircraft safely, whether for commercial or military purposes.
- Animal Control Worker - The job duties of animal control workers include responding to calls from people who are having problems with wild animals or with domestic animals that have been abandoned or have become feral.
- Court Clerk - As a court clerk, you'll perform clerical duties for a courthouse, manage courthouse records, and process payments and court fees.
- Court Reporter - Court reporters are responsible for transcribing everything that is spoken during trials and other court proceedings.
- Detective - As a police detective, you'll perform investigative functions for a police department. To learn who is responsible for a crime, you'll collect evidence, talk to witnesses, and arrest suspects.
- Fire Inspector - Fire inspectors help keep people safe by working to protect buildings and structures from fires. They collaborate with fire departments and local agencies to ensure compliance with safety standards.
- Firefighter - As a firefighter, you'll work to put out fires that threaten life, land, and property and rescue people who are endangered by fire.

- Immigration and Customs Inspector - As an immigration and customs inspector, you'll work for the Department of Homeland Security, performing border control functions such as inspecting items and merchandise that people bring in or take out of the country.
- Judge - Judges must be either appointed or elected, and their job is to preside over courtroom hearings, trials, and other proceedings. They resolve disputes between litigants and interpret points of law.
- Lawyer - As a lawyer, you'll work as an advocate for your clients in navigating the legal system, whether in civil or criminal courts. You could represent individual people, corporations, or the government.
- Paralegal - You can think of paralegals, or legal assistants as assistants to lawyers. They help attorneys perform a number of duties, such as drafting legal documents, conducting research, and maintaining office files.
- Police Officer - Police officers, also called law enforcement officers, patrol areas to which they are assigned by the department for which they work. They enforce laws, protect the public, and issue citations as needed.
- Private Detective - As a private detective or private investigator, you could either work for an agency or be self-employed. Job duties include surveillance of individuals, finding missing persons, and working on cases of identity theft.
- Security Guard - Security guards patrol buildings to ensure the safety of the property and the people within. They note suspicious activity, keep track of who goes in and out, and check pockets and bags for prohibited items.
Manufacturing Careers
Careers in manufacturing range from creating pastries to making power tools. People who enjoy working with their hands will want to explore the wide range of careers available in this field.
- Avionics Technician - As an avionics technician, you'll be responsible for the maintenance and repair of avionics components and equipment such as radar and navigation.
- Baker - Also known as pastry cooks, bakers combine ingredients to produce a wide range of foods, including bread, cakes, cookies, and pastries, to be sold at grocery stores or restaurants.

- Boilermaker - Boilermakers build steam boilers and related equipment. They also are responsible for maintenance, repair, and cleaning of these structures.
- Carpenter - As a furniture carpenter, you'll construct and repair wooden furniture, including dresser drawers, bookshelves, and chairs.
- Civil Engineering Technician - Civil engineering technicians work with civil engineers to design and implement vital infrastructure like roads and bridges.
- Commercial Driver - As a commercial driver or delivery driver, you will use your driving skills to deliver items from one place to another. This can take the form of food delivery, such as that provided by food establishments, or package delivery, such as that provided by the Post Office, United Parcel Service (UPS), or Federal Express.
- Electrical Engineers and Technicians - Electrical engineers and technicians design, maintain, and repair a huge variety of electronic devices, ranging from computer-related equipment to communications devices to medical technology.
- Gem and Diamond Workers - As a gem and diamond worker, you'll perform quality assurance testing on gems and diamonds to ensure that they're ready to be marketed as jewelry or used in industrial applications.
- Glass Blower - Starting with molten glass, glass blowers construct and design glass items such as figurines, vases, and jars.
- Home Appliance Repairer - As a home appliance repairer, you'll either travel to customer's homes to repair such appliances as dishwashers and stoves, or you'll work in a repair shop to which people can bring items like microwave ovens or vacuum cleaners.
- Locksmith - The job duties of locksmiths include cutting keys, installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical and mechanical locks. They also open locks.
- Machinist - If you enjoy working with both power and precision tools, a job as a machinist might be perfect for you. Job duties include fabricating parts for machines and building instruments used for repairs.
- Medical Equipment Repairer - As a medical equipment repairer, also known as a medical equipment technician, your job will be to use a variety of tools to fix medical equipment such as hospital beds, defibrillators, and wheelchairs.
- Model Maker - Model makers take concepts and turn them into three-dimensional models. They can work in a variety of fields, including architecture or film and television projects.
- Molding and Casting Worker - As a molding and casting worker, you'll produce products and components using molds. You'll mix the required materials, then pour them into appropriate molds to cast various products.
- Purchasing Agent - In a manufacturing context, purchasing agents determine what equipment, tools, and machines need to be purchased for a given organization, then they buy whatever is necessary to accomplish manufacturing functions.
- Sewing Machine Operator - As a sewing machine operator, you'll help manufacture clothing and textiles through the use of commercial sewing machines and related tools.
- Tool and Die Maker - Tool and die makers manufacture tools and precision parts using either mechanical or computer-controlled equipment.
- Upholster - As an upholsterer, you'll fit upholstery onto household furniture or into vehicles. You'll work with webbing and padding, which you'll put onto frames. For household furniture, you might work with interior designers.
- Welder - Welders use different kinds of welding equipment such as MIG welders and gas metal arc welding to melt metal, attach it to another piece of metal, and fabricate various structures.
Careers in Marketing, Sales, and Services
You'll find plenty of careers that involve working with the public. If you have a flair for salesmanship, you'll be glad to know that a wide range of possibilities exist for you to put your talents to use.
- Advertising Manager - As an advertising manager, you'll come up with plans to generate interest in a company's products or services.
- Appraiser - Appraisers examine real property to determine its value, whether it's being sold, developed, or mortgaged.
- Barber - As a barber, you'll work in a barbershop, cutting, trimming, and styling hair.
- Butcher - Butchers take large quantities of meat and cut and trim them into smaller pieces such as roasts and steaks. They package the meat and prepare it to be sold.
- Cashier - Cashiers work in a number of commercial enterprises such as grocery stores, gas stations, or shopping centers. They operate cash registers to process customer's payments for goods or services.
- Funeral Director - Funeral directors, also known as morticians or undertakers, are in charge of services at funeral homes. They meet with families to plan funerals or memorial services for deceased people. They also prepare and embalm bodies.
- Hairdresser - If you have an outgoing personality and like to style people's hair, then you might want to become a hairdresser who works in a salon. Job duties include washing, cutting, and styling your clients' hair. You will also be doing straightening, giving permanents, and coloring hair.

- Interior Designer - Creative types might enjoy a career as an interior designer. On the job, you'll use furniture, fixtures, paint, and lighting to make interior spaces look and function well.
- Jeweler - Jewelers create beautiful jewelry which they sell in retail stores, trade shows, or craft shows. Some jewelers work for jewelry shops while others are self-employed and work in a studio or from home.
- Marketing Manager - As a marketing manager, you would work for a business, and your job duties would be to create, supervise, coordinate, and implement various marketing strategies for your company and the products or services it sells.
- Model - Fashion models are hired to wear and display clothing or accessories for the purpose of introducing or promoting these particular items. The job requires a considerable amount of traveling to various fashion events.
- Real Estate Agents and Brokers - As a real estate agent or broker, you'll work with people to either sell or buy real estate. You must have a great deal of knowledge about the real estate market, and you'll be advising people on mortgages and competitive pricing.
- Retail Salesperson - Retail salespeople sell products to consumers, whether vehicles, clothes, electronic devices, or furniture. To do a good job serving customers, salespeople need to have thoroughgoing knowledge of the products they sell and of any special promotions that might be going on.
- Sales Manager - As a sales manager, you'll manage the activities of a company's sales team. It will be your responsibility to define sales territories, establish quotas, and come up with strategies to maximize sales of products.
- Sales Representative - Sales representatives sell products to organizations such as businesses, industries, or the government rather than directly to customers. Sales reps are a vital link in the connection between wholesalers and the institutions who need wholesalers' products.
- Telemarketer - Telemarketers endeavor to sell products or services to customers over the telephone. They read from a script that describes the product or service in an attempt to persuade people to make purchases.
Science, Technology, and Engineering Careers
Some of the most lucrative careers are found in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. In these careers, people strive to understand the workings of the natural world and discover how that knowledge can be used to benefit humanity.
- Aerospace Engineer - As an aerospace engineer, you'll be responsible for designing aircraft, spacecraft, missile systems, and satellites. These professionals tend to work for the government or commercially in research and design or manufacturing.
- Archeologist - Archaeologists learn about history by studying sites and artifacts used by people in the past. You'll plan excavations, examine and catalog artifacts, and interpret the data from your discoveries.
- Astronomer - If you're interested in the study of outer space, you might want to become an astronomer. You'll collect data on planets, moons, star systems, and black holes and develop theories about the phenomena you study.
- Atmospheric Scientist - Atmospheric scientists and meteorologists study the earth's climate and weather patterns and how they affect people and populations.
- Biologist - As a biologist, you'll research animal and plant life, including anatomy and physiology and how various organisms function in their environments. You'll write papers and reports on what you discover.
- Cartographer - Cartographers combine skills in geography and technology to design and produce maps for use by individual people as well as by the government, the military, and organizations involved in conservation.
- Chemical Engineer - As a chemical engineer, you'll combine scientific methodology with engineering processes to develop chemicals and products such as fuel, food, and medicine. You'll need to comply with environmental and safety regulations.
- Chemist - Chemists study chemicals and come up with new chemical processes that can be used to improve people's standards of living. They can specialize in various fields of chemistry, including analytical, organic, inorganic, and medical chemistry.
- Civil Engineer - Civil engineers are responsible for planning, building, and maintaining vital structures and infrastructure such as roads, railways, sewer systems, bridges, and dams.
- Engineering Manager - The career of engineering manager combines engineering knowledge with managerial savvy. An engineering manager is responsible for supervising teams of engineers as they carry out their projects.
- Environmental Scientist - An environmental scientist must draw on other fields of scientific knowledge such as biology and ecology. Job duties center around conservation of the environment with an eye toward human health and safety.
- Forensic Technician - Forensic technicians are the scientific specialists who are called in to investigate crimes and analyze crime scenes. They gather and study physical evidence such as blood, hair, and fingerprints. They are also known as crime scene investigators (CSI).
- Geographer - As a geographer, you'll gather information about the earth and its land by means of satellite imagery, field study, and photographs to learn about how human societies interact with the planet's geographical features.
- Industrial Engineer - Industrial engineers develop various means of maximizing efficiency and eliminating wasteful procedures in industrial processes.
- Marine Engineer - As a marine engineer, you would design and build all kinds of marine craft, whether ships, submarines, or aircraft carriers. You would also be responsible for designing the various systems that allow the craft to operate, such as navigation.
- Materials Engineer - Materials engineers are responsible for designing and crafting materials that are used in a wide variety of products, whether metal, plastic, or glass.
- Mechanical Engineer - As a mechanical engineer, you'll use computer-aided design to construct tools, systems, and parts, whether engines, sensors, or batteries.
- Nuclear Engineer - Nuclear engineers develop nuclear technology that can be used in industry. Some nuclear engineers design equipment to be used in power plants while others operate and monitor nuclear systems.
- Oceanographer - As an oceanographer, you'll study the ocean and its processes, whether marine life, marine geology, or marine chemistry.
- Physicist - Physicists study matter, energy, and how the two interrelate. There are a number of subfields within physics, including astrophysics, fluid dynamics, laser science, and particles and fields.
Careers in Transportation and Distribution
Effective and reliable means of transportation are essential to modern people's standard of living. Careers related to transporting people and goods offer plenty of job security since there will always be a need for them.
- Air Traffic Controller - As an air traffic controller, you'll help coordinate landings and take-offs and keep track of aircraft in the air and on the ground. You'll also need to keep pilots up to date on weather conditions.

- Aircraft Mechanic - Aircraft mechanics are responsible for the structural integrity of aircraft. They inspect and repair an aircraft's mechanics and electronic systems to ensure that it meets safety standards as set forth by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
- Airline Pilot - If you love to fly, you might consider a career as an airline pilot. You'll work for an airline and be responsible for safely transporting passengers and cargo on aircraft, whether short flights or long flights.
- Automotive Body Repairer - As an automotive body repairer, you'll make repairs to the frames and bodies of vehicles.
- Automotive Mechanic - Automotive mechanics repair the mechanical systems of vehicles, including engines, electrical systems, and computerized systems. Mechanics provide tune-ups and routine maintenance, such as oil changes and the replacement of filters.
- Courier - Whether it's delivering packages by bike in a city or to-go orders and groceries by car, couriers don't need a lot of training or education to get their goods from Point A to Point B.
- Bus Driver - If you're interested in driving a bus, you could work as a school bus driver or a transit bus driver. In either case, you would be responsible for safely transporting passengers to their destination and maintaining your bus in working order.
- Captains and Pilots of Water Vessels - Captains and pilots are in command of ferryboats and tugboats and must be licensed by the U.S. Coast Guard.
- Dispatcher - As a dispatcher, you can work either in the trucking field or the emergency communications field. In the trucking field, you coordinate the activities of truck drivers on the job. In emergency services, you coordinate the movements of ambulances, police, and fire personnel when people call 911.
- Flight Attendant - Flight attendants see to the comfort of airline travelers during flights. They serve refreshments, impart safety instructions, and help passengers with carry-on luggage.
- Locomotive Engineer - As a locomotive engineer, you'll be in charge of trains that carry either freight or passengers. You must thoroughly inspect your locomotive before a run and keep track of the mechanics of its operation during the trip.
- Motorboat Mechanic - Motorboat mechanics carry out the repair of motorboat engines, both inboard and inboard-outboard.
- Motorcycle Mechanic - As a motorcycle mechanic, you'll repair small engines on motorcycles, mopeds, scooters, and all-terrain vehicles. Your duties will include body repair and basic maintenance such as oil changes.
- Personal Driver - Major companies like Lyft and Uber have made it possible for anyone who can pass a driving background check to become a personal driver using their own vehicle. Customers use apps to order and secure a ride then pay their driver.
- Postal Service Mail Carrier - The job duties of a postal service mail carrier include sorting mail and delivering it, either on foot or using a vehicle.
- Taxi Driver - As a taxi driver, you will drive passengers from place to place in a taxi cab. You'll need to be familiar with routes in the area where you work or otherwise solicit directions from passengers or use a GPS system.
- Transportation Manager - Transportation managers are also known as freight coordinators or fleet managers, and they are employed by manufacturers, warehouses, and freight companies. They are responsible for coordinating the shipment of goods in a safe and timely manner.
- Truck Driver - If you like to be on the road a lot, you might want to become a truck driver. Your main job is to use a truck to transport goods or materials from place to place. You could work for a trucking company or independently.
A Place to Begin Your Career
No list of careers can include every possible profession or job, and the foregoing list is no exception. You can, however, use this list as a starting point to explore the vast number of jobs and careers, both unusual careers and traditional ones, that are available.