Kudos Careers Program

Happy graduate ready to begin her career
Make the right choice when it comes to your career.

The Kudos Career Program is designed to help young people in the UK with their career choices. It is geared for those between the ages of 13 and 20 years of age.


Kudos was designed to assist teachers in guiding their students toward a good match as far as a future career is concerned. Users work on an exercise designed to provide them with a list of career options that might be a good fit for their skills and abilities.

In addition, the students receive the following relevant information about career choices:

  • Qualifications
  • Pay and Job Opportunities
  • Training Options
  • Duties and Responsibilities
  • Personal Attributes and Skills Needed

Kudos Careers Program: Features

  • Rather than provide information about only a handful of career choices, the Kudos Careers Program includes detailed facts about more than 1,700 careers
  • The Program includes more than 3,000 images of people on the job
  • A Video Quick Tour is available
  • Users have the option of choosing between seeing a summary of career details or a detailed description
  • Both web and e-mail links are provided so that users can learn more or request further information
  • Access to an online glossary of terms is provided

Benefits of Using a Career Planning Program in Schools

The world of work has changed over the last several years. Job titles exist now that the previous generation may not have been able to imagine. There are many more types of work available than a student (or his or her parents) may realize.

When you stop to consider that people may spend more of their waking hours on the job than with their families, making a good choice is imperative. Too many people choose the type of work they are going to do based on what they think the job is, how much money they are going to make, or some other factor that doesn't take into consideration the reality of what that job will be like.

Using the Kudos Careers Program or one like it will:

  • Educate young people about the variety of choices available to them
  • Encourages students to re-evaluate what they think they know about work
  • Brings up topics that can be explored in a class discussion
  • Assists young people in picturing themselves as participants in the workplace

Other People Who Can Benefit from this Program

Students are not the only ones who can benefit from a program like Kudos Careers to help them focus on their future. Others who may find this kind of information helpful are:

  • Young offenders
  • Young people who left school before graduating
  • Individuals re-entering the workforce after many years away

Support Materials Are Provided

Teachers and academic advisors can download user guides in PDF format from the site. (Acrobat Reader is required to access them.) This web page also includes several free resources including:

  • Users guide
  • Guide to Kudos for parents
  • Personal action plan for students
  • Career education and planning guide for parents

How To Buy Kudos Career Program

Access to the Kudos Career Program can be purchased on an annual license basis. The cost of the program for 2008 is £245 + VAT (Value Added Tax). It can be used on a stand-alone computer or installed on a network (in one physical location).

Order the program by filling in the order form or mailing or faxing a request on official letterhead to:

Freepost RRRL-ECGJ-CBYS, CASCAiD Ltd, 2 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough Park, Loughborough, LE11 3QF.

The Kudos Career Program can help young people figure out what kinds of careers their skills and abilities would best suit them. Having more choices may make the decision about which one to choose a bit more challenging, but it can increase the odds of making a good one.


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Kudos Careers Program