Trying to decide what kind of work you are best suited for can be challenging, and Career Cruiser is an interactive product designed to help students explore their career options. It is being marketed to schools and other institutions.
Thousands of Job Titles Exist
Did you know that there are thousand of job titles in existence? Unfortunately, when people are thinking about what kind of work they think they would like to do, most of them look at only a handful of jobs. If you want to get an idea of what types of job titles are available, visit the Dictionary of Occupational Titles posted on the United States Department of Labor website.
Before you decide on a particular type of work, it's a good idea to start by taking a good look at yourself and where your interests and talents lie. You also need to consider your values when you are trying to make choices about your work. Too many people don't do their homework before deciding on a certain type of work and as a result, they are not happy with their choice.
A Review of the Career Cruiser Web Site
The Career Cruiser web site is made up of a number of different sections. Designed to help high school students get a good idea of where their interests and skills lie, this product also provides feedback to users about what kinds of career choices would be a good fit, based on important information about users' personalities and preferences.
Components of Career Cruiser
The Career Cruiser package includes the following parts:
- An interest assessment
- Detailed occupational profiles
- Informational interviews
- Information about colleges and universities (including financial assistance available)
- A career profile tool
- Lesson plans, assignments, and worksheets
Separate versions are available for U.S. and Canadian users.
Portfolio Plan
Career Cruiser's Portfolio Plan is described as a type of virtual filing cabinet where students can keep track of the information they need to plan their career and make choices about post-secondary education. Users can also compose and store a resume in this part of the site.
Career Matchmaker
Not only does this product give students some ideas about what types of work would suit them best, but it also explains why the suggestions make sense for each person. It's thorough, asking users between 39 and 116 questions to get an idea of where their interests lie.
Occupational Profiles
The Occupational Profiles section of Career Cruiser includes the following information:
- A job description
- Working conditions
- Salary level
- Education or training needed
- Career path
- Related occupations
Colleges and Universities
Users can get the facts about various post-secondary educational institutions. For each school listed, they can access these details:
- Admission requirements
- Fees
- Number of students
- Program majors offered
- Housing
- Sports and clubs available
Buying Career Cruiser for Your School
Career Cruiser is available on a site license basis for either a one or three-year period. The price will vary, depending on whether the English-only version or a bilingual (Spanish and English or French and English) one is selected. Under the license terms, Career Cruiser can be installed in every computer at the school. As a convenience, students, teachers, and administrators can log into the program from home or another location.
If you aren't sure whether this product is right for your institution, not to worry. You can start with a free 30-day trial. Career Cruiser provides students with the tools they need to make better choices when it comes to deciding where they would like to work after graduation.