Employment Search Engines Canada

Use Internet resources to find work.
Use Internet resources to find work.

When you are looking for work in the Great White North, employment search engines Canada can help to give you an idea of available opportunities. Not only do they have job listings, but they can also provide you with valuable career advice.

Types of Employment Search Engines

There are a couple of different kinds of job search engines you should be familiar with. Both kinds have job postings, but it is helpful to understand where the postings come from. One type of employment search engine posts ads on behalf of employers and placement agencies. The person or company placing the ad pays a fee to do so.

The other type of employment search engine operates like a meta search engine; it includes job postings taken from other search engines and corporate web sites. Making a point of using both kinds of employment search engines Canada will help you to broaden your job search and get hired for the position you want sooner.

Examples of Employment Search Engines Canada

Here are some examples of search engines that offer listings for Canadian opportunities:

  • Workopolis.ca

Visitors to Workopolis.ca are accessing what is billed as "Canada's biggest job site." You can browse through job listings by location or keyword, or post a resume so that prospective employers can find you. Helpful articles on topics ranging from how to write a resume to job search techniques and getting ahead at work have also been posted. Students and recent grads can visit the Workopolis Campus section of the site to see postings for student-friendly and entry-level opportunities.

If you want to find out whether you are being paid appropriately for your position or what the salary range is for a particular career, use the salary calculator posted on the site to find out. Salary ranges for specific job titles are available by city and province.

  • Monster.ca

The Monster.ca web site also allows users to post a resume online and choose whether to make it public or not. (You may not want your current employer to know that you are looking for work, and in that situation, you may choose to upload a resume and submit it only for jobs that you are specifically applying for.) Search for jobs by city, job title, or keyword. Job search tips and helpful articles have also been posted here.

  • Indeed.ca

Indeed.ca is an example of a meta search engine with job listings. Using this site is very simple and straightforward. All you need to do is type the job title or keyword and location into the search box and hit Enter to see your results. An interesting feature at Indeed.ca is that returning visitors can see previous search terms and the number of new jobs listed since your last visit.

  • WowJobs.ca

Visit the web site to get results from a number of job boards, company web sites, and classified ads from across the country. This search engine will also includes salary information, a discussion forum and a tool that allows users to search job trends in Canada based on the percentage of ads featured on WowJobs.

  • Eluta.ca

Eluta.ca is a job search engine that includes only listings from company web sites. Many employers who are currently hiring choose to post available positions on their own sites, as opposed to advertising them online or in newspapers. Along with searching through new job listings on the site, you can also set up an e-mail notification to be advised when jobs matching your criteria are posted or subscribe to new postings through an RSS feed.

By using a number of job search strategies, including employment search engines Canada, you will have a better chance of landing your dream job.

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Employment Search Engines Canada