Civilian Jobs with the Army

U.S. Army
expert checked

Civilian jobs with the Army include positions in many different fields and career opportunities may be readily available to qualified candidates. Learn about Army civilian job listings, the application process and qualifications.

Army Employment for Civilians

The practice of hiring civilians for careers in the U.S. Army has a long history, beginning with the Revolutionary War. The first Army civilian employee was Richard Peters, who worked as a secretary for the Board of War and Ordinance. Today, the Army hires civilians to work in a number of meaningful career fields. The CPOL is a one-stop resource for people looking to enter a civilian career with the U.S. Army. The site connects visitors to job search databases, career programs, and schedules for career and job fairs.

Search for Openings is the best place to start your a search. though you'll be directed to an Army-specific section of the database when you start to look for open positions. You may search by keyword, using the title of the position you are seeking. If you are interested in a specific program, such as entry level civilian careers or student employment, you can select the program from a list in the database.

The database includes listings of general occupations and you can select the state in which you would like to work. Once you have applied for a civilian job with the army, you may check the status of their resumes using ANSWER, the Applicant Notification System web-Enabled Response tool.

General Civilian Hiring for Army Positions

The Army lists vacancy announcements to hire internally and to recruit new hires. There are two basic types of announcements.

  1. Current permanent Army employees
  2. Applicants never employed in permanent federal positions

The CPOL describes the first type of vacancy announcement's target audience as:

  • Current federal employees
  • Former federal employees
  • Disabled
  • Eligible for reinstatement

The second type of announcement looks for employees who have never been employed with the government. Positions may be difficult to fill or they may be entry level jobs. Those who fall into the second category may benefit from exploring options through the NAF Management Trainee Program as well.

Entry Level Management Training Program

The Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) Management Trainee Program hires college students and graduates, and in some cases, it may hire people who are not U.S. citizens. The program may employ people interested in the following fields:

  • Sports and fitness
  • Recreation
  • Children and youth services
  • Financial management
  • Food industry
  • Human resources
  • Contracting
  • Marketing

The NAF Developmental Chef Program is ideal for individuals who have graduated from accredited culinary schools.

Army Job Application Kit

The Army Job Application Kit is an excellent resource for anyone interested in civilian jobs with the Army. The kit offers everything you need to develop a plan of action. Information runs the gamut from preparing a resume to self-nominating for a job vacancy.

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Civilian Jobs with the Army