Restaurant General Manager Job Description

Chef and restaurant manager

Managing a restaurant requires extensive multi-tasking and good organizational skills, among other talents and abilities. Reviewing a sample job description is a good way to get an idea of the many responsibilities that go along with this type of position, though exact requirements vary based on company needs. The printable job description provided here outlines many typical restaurant manager duties and requirements, and is designed to allow for easy customization.

Using the Printable Job Description

Click the image to download a sample job description for a restaurant manager position. Depending on how your computer is configured, the document will open as a PDF file, either in a new browser window or as a free-standing file. Once the file is open, you can print or save it, as well as make changes so that it accurately reflects information specific to expectations for restaurant managers in your organization.

If you need help downloading the printable description, check out these helpful tips.

Chef and restaurant manager
Click to download restaurant GM job description

What to Include

Job descriptions should include:

  • Duties that are truly essential to the job
  • Information about the knowledge, education, skills and abilities that are mandatory for the position
  • Details about physical requirements associated with performing the job.

Before making changes, review How to Write a Job Description so that you're aware of the best way to determine what should be included and how the information should be phrased.

Customizing the Printable

Make changes to the job descriptions so that it accurately and fully reflects what restaurant managers are required to do in your company.

To prepare the printable for use:

  • Save: Click the diskette icon in the toolbar, or go to the "File" menu and select "Save"
  • Edit items: Click on any line of text to make changes; place the cursor where you want to add or remove text
  • Finalize: Proofread the document carefully, ensuring that the information is accurate and that it is free from typos and grammatical errors
  • Save again: Save the document again once it is complete
  • Print: To print the document, click the printer icon in the toolbar, or go to the "File" menu and select "Print"

More Restaurant Examples

It's important to have good job descriptions for each position in your restaurant. If you will also be creating descriptions for other job titles, you may find these sample job descriptions for waitresses and hostesses to be helpful.

Job Description Considerations

Job descriptions are important tools for communicating duties to employees, but that is not their only purpose. A well-written job description can be used to help defend your company against charges of discrimination in hiring, promotion and termination decisions. However, one that is poorly written or inaccurate can make your company look very bad in such situations.

Before distributing this - or any - job description to employees, it's a good idea to have it reviewed by legal counsel.

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Restaurant General Manager Job Description