Public relations writers perform a wide variety of duties related to writing promotional content designed to generate publicity or convey content to stakeholders. While the exact duties can vary significantly among positions, reviewing a sample job description can help give you a good general idea of what's involved in working as a public relations writer.
Sample Job Description - PR Writer
The printable job description provided here includes duties commonly expected of public relations writers. To access the document, click the image below. It will open as a PDF document that you can review, print, or save. It can also be edited and customized to meet a company's specific requirements. Click anywhere in the document to edit the text and use the "+" and "-" signs to add and remove rows. If you need assistance with the document, see this guide for Adobe printables.

Working as a Public Relations Writer
Jobs for public relations writers always involve writing press releases, as well as other types of writing. PR writers often write feature articles for print and broadcast media, articles for internal publications, social media updates, web content, and more. Be sure that you clearly understand all the duties of any position you are considering accepting if you are looking for a position in the field. If you are in the process of writing a job description for a PR writer, be sure to detail all the essential functions, required knowledge and skills, and physical requirements specific to the role in your company.