List of Careers in Music

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Careers in music go well beyond working as a performer or teaching an instrument. The music industry is called an industry for a reason. It takes managers, sound technicians, event planners, marketers and writers to keep the industry running on all cylinders. Whether or not you're a brilliant musician, there's bound to be a music career that will allow you to passionately pursue your love of music.

List of Careers in Music

Music careers can be separated into a number of categories ranging from music education to performance and production. Learn more about each music career category, then zero in on the jobs that sound most interesting.

Music Education

Music educators teach children and adults to appreciate music, learn it's history, read music and perform. Music educator careers include:

  • General music teachers in elementary and secondary schools
  • Band/choir/orchestra teacher in a secondary education institution
  • College professor teaching music history/appreciation/performance
  • College band/orchestra/choir instructor
  • Private music instructor

Music Performance

Music performance goes well beyond the pop stars you listen to when you turn on the radio. Performers may sing, play an instrument, perform as part of a band or develop electronic music.

  • Individual vocalist in any music genre including everything from pop to opera
  • Group vocalist as part of a band or acapela performance team
  • Instrumental performer in any capacity including strings, brass, percussion, wind, electronic or keyboard
  • Composer
  • Conductor


The entertainment business relies on music to draw people in and keep them engaged. Music is used in advertisements, TV shows and movies to promote emotion in the viewers, and radio simply wouldn't be radio if music weren't a part of it.

  • Disc jockey/video jockey
  • Audio producer
  • Videographer for music videos
  • Music editorial
  • Royalty analyst/accountant
  • Music director
  • Radio/TV promoter for an artist or label
  • Booking agent

Music Production & Recording

Music labels hire an arsenal of people to produce, mix and distribute music to the masses. Some of the positions include:

  • Record label owner
  • Talent agents/talent recruiters
  • Marketing/public relations staff
  • Consumer research specialists
  • Sales
  • Record producer
  • Record engineer
  • Attorneys, particularly those with an entertainment specialty
  • Advertising executives

Music Events

When a music event takes place, whether it's a small performance or a concert at a sold-out stadium, a number of individuals have to come together to make sure things run smoothly.

  • Tour managers/coordinators/publicists
  • Sound technicians
  • Dancers/background singers
  • Event manager
  • Stage manager
  • Nightclub manager
  • Light technician
  • Sound/lighting designers
  • Stagehand
  • Wardrobe/make-up
  • Bodyguard

Music Merchandising

Once the music is made, there needs to be an outlet to sell it. Music merchandisers provide this venue. You could work in one of the following capacities as a music merchandiser:

  • Music store manager/salesperson
  • Music instrument sales
  • Music buyer for big-box stores providing CDs/records/etc.
  • Online music outlet
  • Website developer/designer for performers or bands

Other Music Career Options

The list of music careers doesn't end there. If you're good with your hands, you may want to consider becoming an instrument maker or repairman. If you love to write, you could pursue a career in music journalism or songwriting. You can even apply your skills in the healthcare industry as a music or voice therapist. If all you want to do is support your local community's fine arts programs, consider taking a position working for a non-profit music organization. Whatever skills or passions you bring to the table, there's bound to be a music career that matches them perfectly.

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List of Careers in Music