Best Reasons for Leaving a Job

Quitting a Job

Are you wondering about the best reasons for leaving a job? Many variables impact whether or not someone decides to stay with a job or leave it. Here are several factors that may impact a person's decision to leave a place of employment.

Five of the Best Reasons for Leaving a Job

People may choose to leave their current employment situations for many reasons. While it's not advisable to quit your job just because you have a bad day at work once in a while, there are plenty of good reasons to resign from a job. Here are several examples.

1. Accepting a Better Position

Do you have an opportunity to go to work for another company in a better position? Whether the new opportunity pays more money than your current position, is a better fit for your career goals, has better hours or offers the upward mobility that you want, accepting a job that you feel is better than the one you currently have is one of the best reasons for leaving a job.

2. Starting Your Own Business

Have you always dreamed of owning your own business? Do you have a solid business plan and the financial means to transition from being an employee to becoming an entrepreneur? Are you confident that you can make a living running your own business? If you have thoroughly researched your business idea and are ready to take the leap to self employment, leaving your current job to start your own business may be the right decision for you.

3. Getting Out of a "Poor Fit" Situation

Do you feel like the job that you are in is a poor fit for you? Not every job is a good fit for every worker. If you are in a job that is not a good fit for your skills or personality, it may be advisable to quit and look for a job that will allow you to utilize the skills that you have. The same is true for corporate culture. If you are not comfortable with the culture of your place of employment, you'll be much happier if you find a different place to work.

It's up to you to decide if you should quit before finding a new employment opportunity or if you should try to stay in the position that you have until you can find a new job. Whether you stay on temporarily or leave right away, working in a position that isn't a good fit for you is definitely a good reason to leave a job.

4. Going Back to School

Are you tired of missing out on appealing employment opportunities because you do not have the educational background necessary to be considered for the types of jobs that you really want? If so, you may want to consider leaving your job so that you can return to school and train for a different career. If doing so will allow you to prepare for your long term career goals, you may find that going back to school is a great reason to leave a job.

5. Take a Break from the Workforce

Are you in need of a break from working? Whether you want to stay home with your children or simply need to take some time for yourself or to take care of family responsibilities, the need to take a break from the workforce can be a good reason to leave your job.

Of course, before making this type of decision, you need to be sure that you are financially prepared to survive without a paycheck for a period of time. It's also important to realize that you may not be able to find another job right away when you are ready to return to the workforce. Consider the consequences of taking this action carefully before making a permanent decision.

Is It Time to Make a Job Change?

You are the only one who can decide if now is the right time for you to make a change to your employment situation. Don't make a rash decision without thinking through the consequences of this important decision. Before deciding to leave your job, stop and think about why you are considering making a change. If you're leaving for a good reason and you have a plan in place for the next phase of your life and career, then you can be confident that you're making a sound decision.

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Best Reasons for Leaving a Job