Types of Job Training
There are many types of job training, ranging from pre-employment career training that you can undertake as a way of getting prepared to work in a particular profession to on-the-job and continuing education training.
Career Training
When you are getting ready to begin your career or if you're thinking about changing careers, you may want to consider enrolling in a career training program. Depending on the type of work you want to do, completing pre-employment job training could involve enrolling in a short term diploma or certificate program or seeking a degree.
For some fields, enrolling in an apprenticeship program is the best way to get the training necessary to get the skills necessary to go to work. Many employers and labor unions run apprenticeship programs for people interested in preparing to work as welders, electricians, and other skilled professionals.
Employee Orientation
When new employees are hired, they typically go through an employee orientation session. This type of training involves introducing new members of the workforce to company policies and procedures as well as to introduce them to the duties that they'll be performing on a daily basis.
On-the-Job Training
Workers learn many skills on the job rather than in classroom settings. In many cases, people read training manuals and apply what they have learned to the tasks they need to perform. In other situations, co-workers or supervisors provide individual or group training to employees who need to acquire or improve skills.
Some companies have formal mentoring programs designed to groom high potential employees to move up into managerial positions. This involves pairing employees who can benefit from training with executives who are willing to help them grow and develop professionally.
On-Site Company Training
Businesses often contract with training professionals to offer on-site training sessions for employees to attend in groups or individually. Topics may vary based on the needs of the workforce. For example, if the company acquires a new software program, a trainer may be brought on site to teach employees how to use it. Alternately, a business that has decided to focus on improving customer service may bring in a trainer to provide customer service seminars to small or large groups of employees.
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Off-Site Continuing Education
Companies sometimes send employees to off-site training seminars and classes rather than bringing professional trainers on-site. When only a few employees need to learn a particular topic and the company does not have qualified trainers on staff, this can be the most cost effective training solution.
Learn More About Job Training
To learn more about different types of job training, see:
- List of Apprenticeships
- Job Training Methods
- Online Training for a New Career