Summer Camp Jobs for Teenagers

Other Summer Jobs for Teenagers?

Summer camp jobs for teenagers are a fantastic option for teens who have a passion for the outdoors. Teens who have spent summers at camp themselves will love taking on a leadership and mentoring role, to help younger campers learn and grow each summer.

Types of Employment Available

Most camps have a variety of positions teens can do. Some of these positions are voluntary or for minimal pay. Others require more education and training to be obtained,and so offer higher rates of pay.

  • Kitchen Help: From dishes to helping to prepare meals, teens can help in the kitchen part time or full time during the summer months. This can be excellent experience for teenagers who want seek education in the culinary arts later on.
  • Camp Counselor: Depending on your age and training, you may qualify for counselor positions. Teen camp counselors help with planning and executing activities, rounding up campers for events and leading campers during events. They usually serve as a group leader rather than as an education provider.
  • Teach: Teens who have special skills in the arts, wilderness, or athletics may be able to get a position teaching campers. For example, if you are experienced at leatherworking, you may be able to teach this topic to new campers or work as an assistant to the teacher.

Mostjobs for teens at summer camp will include working hands on with campers. They are often invaluable aid to professional educators and staff. You may be able to help in administrative positions or help with animal care. You may be able to help set up activities or make sure campers are in bed on time.

Finding Summer Camp Jobs for Teenagers

Where can you find jobs for teens at camp? Most camps need helpers and teens are an ideal choice. It is important to note that camps, like any other employer, needs to ensure you are working legally for them. This means they may restrict the types of activities you can do or the number of hours you can work.

Having a few good ideas of where to find camp jobs for teens is a good place to start your search.

  • Past Experience: One of the best ways to get a camp job as a teen is to talk to the camp administrators from camps you have been part of in the past. If you went to a summer camp every year as a child, contact that camp about opportunities that may be available.
  • Find Day Camps Near Home: Many people think of camp as being a full time activity that requires leaving home for several weeks. However, it's often possible to find jobs in day camps available near your home. Day camps usually run Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. or 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. or later. The children go home at night and come back in the morning. To locate these positions, contact local churches, schools and school boards about the availability of day camp employment near you.
  • Visit a Local Camp: If there is a local camp near you, or within driving distance, visit the ones where you are interested in working in person. Request an application and ask for an interview. This direct approach can help you make a favorable impression.

Online Summer Camp Job Searches

Summer Camp Jobs for Teens

Teens, especially older teens, can often find some opportunities for employment online. You may wish to start searching for these places of employment by March of the year you wish to obtain a job.

  • provides a list of available jobs nationwide. This comprehensive job search tool is easy to use and thorough.
  • Camp Staff is able to help students find summer camp jobs throughout North America.
  • For those interested in working in a Christian camp setting, offers jobs for summer camps.

Summer camp jobs for teenagers can be very competitive. If you want to find this type of summer job, start looking for a position as soon as possible.

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Summer Camp Jobs for Teenagers