Not all career training takes place in a classroom, and the Stratford Career Institute has been providing distance career learning for more than 20 years.
Signing up for Stratford Career Institute Courses
Enrolling in a course at Stratford Career Institute is quite easy to do. The Institute's web site lists all the courses offered, along with list of the topics the course covers and a complete course outline.
You can sign up for the program of your choice over a secure server. If you have questions about any aspect of the program, you can use Stratford's toll-free number (1-800-363-0058) to contact an admissions counselor.
Available Courses
Stratford Career Institute offers more than 60 career training courses in the following categories:
- Business
- Computer Technology
- Counseling and Education
- Creative Careers
- Legal and Medical
- Vocational Trades
The Institute's web site also lists the following course offerings:
- Astrology/Parapsychology
- Conservation/Environmental Science
- ESL (English as a Second Language)
- Forensic Science
- Funeral Science Education
- High School Diploma
- Private Investigator
- Security and Police Sciences
Is Stratford Career Institute Right for You?
Distance education isn't a good choice for everyone. Before deciding whether or not to seek training from Stratfod, take some time to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of this type of learning.
Advantages of Distance Education
- If you want to get job training but either can't or don't want to commit to going to class at a certain time every week, taking a correspondence course is an alternative way to learn.
- You get to follow the course material at your own pace and study at a time that is convenient for you.
- If you have questions, you can contact a qualified instructor for help, either by phone or e-ma
- You can choose to enroll any time.
Disadvantages of Distance Education
- Without the structure of a regular class schedule, it may be difficult to stay on track to complete the course.
- Studying at home can be isolating; part of learning is the interaction that takes place with your fellow students and the teacher. When you choose distance learning, you miss out on that aspect of the process.
Choosing the Right Distance Education Course
Before you decide to sign up for any distance education course, you will want to consider the following:
- How long has the school you are considering been in business?
You will want to choose one that has been in business for a number of years, like Stratford, and that has a good track record. Be sure to check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints registered against the company and how they were resolved.
- What does the tuition fee include?
Find out whether you pay one price to cover all of your course materials or if there are extra fees for textbooks, software, etc.
- Is the course information up to date?
If you are going to take the time to study to get the skills needed to either get a job or get a better job, you need to know that you are getting information that is relevant to today's workplace. You don't want to expend the effort to learn, only to find that your course work is not recognized by employers.
- How is the course evaluated?
Ask about whether you are expected to submit assignments to be marked or whether you complete a test at the end of certain sections. You will also want to know whether there is a final exam and whether you will be issued a diploma or certificate once you have successfully completed the course.
- What level of education do I need prior to enrolling in a course?
It's always a good idea to ask about any prerequisites you need before you sign up for a course. In the case of Stratford Career Institute's course offerings, there is no specific educational background required before a person can sign up for a course. The Institute only asks that its students have a willingness to learn and a desire for success.