Sears and Kmart Jobs Gallery

Sears and Kmart Jobs

There are many employment opportunities with Sears Holdings Corporation, including Sears and Kmart jobs and positions with, Land's End, and Orchard Hardware, and The Great Indoors stores.

Retail Sales & Customer Service

There are many retail jobs in Sears and Kmart stores, as well as the other retailers operated by Sears Holdings Corporation. Opportunities include appliance and electronics sales, cashier, stockroom, and customer service positions.

Store Management

Each Sears and Kmart store has a general manager who is responsible for leading a team of departmental and assistant managers and the other employees responsible for the successful operation of each location. Managers are often promoted from within, as well as hired from the outside.

Pharmacy Jobs

Many Sears and Kmart stores have pharmacies, so employment is available for licensed pharmacists as well as pharmacy technicians and assistants.

Auto Center Employment

Many of the stores operated by Sears Holdings Corporation operate automotive care centers. Sales and service positions are available for individuals who are knowledgeable about vehicles and who have strong customer service skills.

Loss Prevention

Loss prevention positions in Sears and Kmart stores and distribution centers include security and inventory control jobs.

Distribution Center Jobs

There are full and part time warehouse employment opportunities at various distribution centers for Sears, Kmart, and Orchard Supply Hardware stores.

Ready to Apply?

If you are interested in Sears or Kmart jobs - or employment with one of the other companies operated by Sears Holdings Corporation - the first step in being considered is to complete the Sears online employment application form. See Retail Online Job Applications for tips and suggestions for completing the form effectively.

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Sears and Kmart Jobs Gallery