Proper Dress for Job Interviews Gallery

Proper Dress for Job Interviews

Your appearance certainly plays an important role in the impression you'll make on the hiring manager, so it's essential that you put your best face forward when you have an opportunity to interview for a job.

Conservative Pantsuit

A conservative, stylish pant suit can be a good job interview choice if you'd rather not wear a skirt. Select a dark color suit and pair it with a pastel or jewel tone blouse in a quality fabric.

Polished and Pulled Together

No matter what outfit you decide to wear, be sure that your look is pulled together, including stylish accessories and manicured nails.

Match Company Culture

The attire you wear to a job interview should reflect what is appropriate for individuals who are successful and hold positions of responsibility in the company where you are applying for a job.

Power Color

For a professional look and an added dose of confidence, consider wearing a red blouse with your dark suit.

Consider Grey

If you want something a little softer than basic black, a grey suit can be a good choice for jobs in conservative offices and industries.

Flattering Selection

The outfit you select for your next job interview should be flattering to you as well as appropriate for the type of business environment you want to work. If you're applying for a job in a creative field or in a progressive office, a pastel tone in a modern cut might be a good choice.

Head to Toe

Everything about your appearance sends a message in a job interview situation. Wearing appropriate shoes that are clean and free from scuffs is just as important as selecting the right suit and blouse.

Confidence and Preparation

If you are properly dressed when you arrive at your job interview, you'll be able to make a great first impression. The confidence that comes with knowing that you look your best and are dressed appropriately for the situation can really help you ace the interview

More Job Interview Tips

One you've decided what to wear to wow the hiring manager, the next thing you need to do is get prepared. For tips that can help you get ready to do a terrific job, see:

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Proper Dress for Job Interviews Gallery