About Nursing Home Employment
Are you interested in nursing home employment? If you are interested in working in the healthcare profession and you like the idea of working with senior citizens, going to work in a long term care facility could be a great option for you. Find out about the different types of jobs that are available in nursing home facilities.
Nursing Home Administrator
Nursing Home Administrators handle the day to day management and oversight of the facility. Each department head reports to the administrator, who is responsible for overall operations. A state license is necessary to work as a nursing home administrator. Check with the state agency responsible for oversight of nursing homes in the area where you live to find out exactly what's involved in becoming licensed.
There are opportunities for registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) to work in nursing home facilities.
Physical Therapy Professionals
Nursing homes hire licensed physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapy assistants (PTAs) to help residents maintain or regain mobility.
Respiratory Therapists
There are opportunities for respiratory therapists to work in nursing home facilities. They work directly with residents, taking steps to prevent breathing problems from developing and helping those who are having breathing difficulties overcome their challenges.
Occupational Therapists
Licensed occupational therapists (OTs) and occupational therapy assistants (OTAs) professionals work with nursing home residents to help them maintain or regain the manual dexterity necessary to perform the activities of daily living, such as using utensils, manipulating buttons and zippers, and more.
Speech & Language Pathologists
Professional speech and language pathologists who work in nursing homes spend most of their time working with patients who have experienced strokes and other medical conditions that impact their ability to speak.
Certified Nursing Assistants
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) work closely with the nursing staff and other clinical professionals to ensure that residents receive the highest quality of care at all times. They perform a variety of direct patient care duties.
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Dietary Staff
Nutrition is essential to proper care of nursing home residents. Long term care facilities employ professional dieticians, cooks, and foodservice workers to ensure that the dietary needs of residents are met.
Environmental Services
Nursing homes hire employees to perform a variety of duties associated with facilities upkeep, including housekeeping, maintenance, and grounds keeping.
More Healthcare Career Options
For additional information about careers in the healthcare profession, see: