Many jobs that use math also appeal to other interests. Whether you love nature, design or predictions, you can find careers that involve mathematics to suit your passions.
Finding Jobs that Use Math
Mathematically inclined individuals may want to consider working in professions such as:
Actuaries hold positions that deal with making predictions about the likeliness of certain occurrences such as:
- Death
- Disability
- Injuries
- Property loss
The projections offer helpful insight for people trying to develop retirement plans, insurance policies or pensions. Workers in this field are most likely employed by insurance companies.
Cost estimator
Like actuaries, cost estimators deal with making predictions. The job requires the estimator to determine how much a product or project will cost. The job may entail figuring out how profitable a job is.
A cost estimator may work for construction companies, manufacturers or other businesses. Computer software development is a field of particular challenge for cost estimators because these types of projects are difficult to estimate.
Electrical Engineer
Those interested in jobs that use math and design may enjoy positions as electrical engineers. The career is ideal for someone who is mathematically inclined and who has good visual and spatial skills. The job involves creating new designs for electronics but it can involve troubleshooting existing designs and creating solutions to electrical problems.Electrical engineers are in demand in many different aspects, including global positioning systems (GPS), powering buildings and robotics, among many other.
If you love the natural world, a job as a physicist may be right for you. The position involves every aspect of the environment from subatomic parts to vast galaxies. The job has an appeal for people who love math, science and philosophy and it requires knowledge of the scientific method.
Data collection is not for everyone, but those who love gathering information and crunching numbers may enjoy a career as a statistician. Statisticians typically collect data from a sample group, analyze it and interpret it to apply to a larger group. The job requires determining which subgroups to select, where and when to collect data and the best approach for getting the information.
A statistician may work for researchers, businesses or marketing firms.
Surveyors map out the earth's surface to create visual representations that can be easily interpreted. This is a good job for people with mathematic, visual and spatial skills because they are able to calculate, visualize and depict areas that are not easily pictured by most.
- Geophysical prospecting surveyors deal with exploring beneath the earth's surface.
- Geodetic surveyors deal with large areas of land.
- Hydrographic surveyors work with bodies of water.
- Geographic information system specialists is a new field dealing with computers and satellites.
Other Math Careers
If the six recommendations are not appealing, many other options are available to consider.
- Accountant
- Aerospace engineer
- Architect
- Astrologer
- Cartographer
- Chemist
- Civil engineer
- Computer scientist
- Construction managers
- Economists
- Environmental scientists
- Financial analysts
- Industrial engineer
- Landscape architects
- Loan officers
- Market researcher
- Mathematicians
- Mechanical engineer
- Operations research analyst
- Systems analysts
- Urban planner
Mapping a Career Plan
Jobs that use math skills may incorporate the love of numbers with other areas of interest. Determine which career is best for you by exploring different options that spark your curiosity and creativity. Mathematical careers do not always have to focus on crunching numbers; they also include jobs that allow you to work outdoors, on construction sites and in offices.