Jobs that Make You Multitask

Woman multitasking on phone and computer
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Jobs that make you multitask may be the kind of career you seek. You'll be happy to learn that there are plenty of positions that require within all types of companies in many different industries.

Multitasking Defined

Multitasking is defined as performing more than one duty or function at the same time. People who are able to multitask have the ability to perform several tasks nearly simultaneously. If you watch someone who is a multitasker, you'll notice that the person has a certain rhythm to her work and is capable of changing tasks without a break in that rhythm.

An example of multitasking is a woman taking a phone call and carrying on a conversation while she operates a computer and also manages to communicate with a co-worker who needs a file folder. This type of job is usually fast-paced and highly fluid. The multitasker must be able to change tasks in the blink of an eye and still perform her duties efficiently.

Interrelationship of Tasks

One important aspect of multi-tasking jobs is that the majority of the tasks are interrelated so that there is cohesiveness between the multiple tasks. Most of the time, each task is dependent upon the completion of other tasks performed in a set pattern, so that the tasks drive the function of the job.

Discretion and Creating Process

A multi-tasking job requires that the person performing each task use good judgment and is often challenged to come up with more efficient ways to perform each task. This allows you to own the job and design the repetitious tasks in an order that is best suited for you. This creativity in job performance can enhance work production and often leads to innovations that benefit the company as well. People, who multitask daily, discover many of their tasks simply become automatic, requiring very little conscious thought process.

Jobs that Make You Multitask

There are many jobs that range from production line positions to high level executive jobs that require varying degrees of multitasking. The following are a few of the best known multitasking jobs.

Administrative Assistant

An administrative assistant is a world class multitasker. Some of the tasks that must be repetitively performed, often at the same time, include answering phone calls, greeting visitors, responding to emails and other correspondences, scheduling calls and meetings, making travel arrangements, handling requests from other departments, creating department reports, and a variety of other tasks that are performed in what appears to be a seamless never-ending stream of duties. The biggest challenge in this position is to manage the constant interruptions in you performing your tasks. These interruptions become new tasks within your goal of performing your other duties and often dictate the rhythm of your workday.

Assembly Line Operator

Working in an assembly line job doesn't always allow you to make adjustments in the tasks processes, since the job itself usually has a defined pattern of repetitious tasks that must be performed the same each time you complete them. Many assembly line jobs requires you to perform several tasks at the same time and depend on you having good eye and hand coordination.

Customer Service Representative

As a customer service representative (CSR) you need to receive and process sales orders by entering them into a computer system, double-check pricing, verify shipping costs, taxes, and other details to ensure the order is billed and shipped correctly and on time. Often, you'll need to refer to previous orders, production schedules, and other data. There are typical multiple tasks involved in the handling of a single order. If you're selling a product that's packaged only in bulk, then there are a different set of tasks involved in processing the order, especially if it involves exporting or importing regulations. Interaction is also required with various company departments from production to fulfillment. You may be required to read blueprints or know various product details and specifications as well as appropriate application.


A nurse's job is a continuous flow of different tasks. These tasks center on patient care and the tasks necessary in order to carry out those duties. These duties also involve accurate and constant record keeping. A nurse will perform duties such as checking vital signs, recordkeeping of the patients symptoms as well as vital signs, administering medications as prescribed by physicians, educate patients, assist with patient rehabilitation, and even provide emotional support to patients and their families.

As an RN (Registered Nurse), you may choose to specialize in emergency room, critical-care, psychiatric, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, geriatric, pediatrics medicine or specialize according to organ categories. Each specialty comes with its own set of multitasks.


On the surface a receptionist's job appears easy, when in truth it can be a highly stressful multitasking position. Like the Admin, the receptionist must handle visitors and telephone calls as well as schedules. Communication is the receptionist's biggest challenge each day and dealing with various visitors and coworkers needs and demands. Everyone has something for you to do at that very moment and you must devise a way to manage all of these demands in a pleasant and helpful manner. You are the face of the company that everyone who enters the office door sees first and the impression you create is how that visitor will view your organization. This job can be very stressful, especially on a busy day. There are often issues that arise that require you to make judgment calls such as screening visitors and situations.

Other Multitasking Jobs

There are many other jobs that require multitasking skills. Some of these include:

  • Bank Teller
  • Bartender
  • CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)
  • Computer Programmer
  • Concierge
  • Chef
  • Help Desk
  • Housekeeping Supervisor
  • Human Resources Administrator
  • Logistics Clerk
  • Paralegal
  • Police Dispatcher
  • Pricing Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • Recruiter
  • Reservations Clerk
  • Systems Analyst
  • Traffic Controller
  • Warehouse and Distribution Manager

Whenever you stop to analyze a job, you'll probably discover that most are jobs that make you multitask or have some component of multitasking involved. The distinguishing factor between those jobs and the ones classified as multitasking jobs is the percentage of the job that requires multitasking.

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Jobs that Make You Multitask