Information Processing Jobs at Home

Globe and laptop relating to information processing
Information processing can be performed anywhere in the world.

The job market is changing and people who are interested in data entry and information processing jobs at home may find that more opportunities open up for them over the next few years.

Outlook for Data Entry and Information Processing Jobs

According to, job opportunities for data entry and information processing personnel are expected to decline until the year 2012. People already doing this type of work or who are interested in it will need to keep their skills upgraded if they want to stay in demand. If you are able to keep up with the latest software updates, you will be much more attractive to an employer.

Word Processors and Typists

Jobs for word processing operators and typists are expected to continue to decline, as more people in an office simply perform their own word processing work. Unless they are working on a very large project that would be too time-consuming for them to input themselves, most wokrers simply use their own personal computers. The tasks normally performed by these kinds of workers may be given to an administrative assistant, who may only need to perform some editing or formatting changes on the document.

Information Processing Jobs

Opportunities for people interested in information processing jobs will be fewer due to improvements in technology. Rather than having a person key these items into a database, newer software packages allow this information to be captured electronically using scannable bar codes, voice recognition capabilities, and character readers. Once captured, the data can be used to generate invoices, packing slips, and other applications.

The other reason why the demand for people interested in doing information processing work is that many companies are outsourcing this type of work. It makes good economic sense for them to go to a temporary agency or to hire independent contractors to work on specific projects rather than pay full-time staff members to do this work.

Opportunities in Information Processing Jobs at Home

These types of market conditions do work in favor of people who are looking for information processing jobs at home. Generally speaking, home workers have lower overhead and are able to offer their services to companies at very competitive rates. The company can pay for the work performed only, at an hourly rate or per project, and does not have to offer paid sick days, vacation time, or benefits.

Finding Off Site Information Processing Jobs

Since a number of companies go through employment agencies to find workers for information processing duties, registering with one is a good way to find this type of work. One advantage of working through a temporary agency is that you are free to turn down assignments if you are not available during certain times.

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the agency will be able to provide you with steady work. Signing up with more than one agency may increase your chances of being able to find steady work.

Another option for finding information processing jobs at home is to approach companies directly and apply for telecommute or remote work opportunities. Telecommuters work from their home or another location one or more days per week and go to their employer's place of business for the rest of the work week.

Remote workers work entirely off site. Information processing work can be performed by people who never actually meet their employers in person. Companies who are looking to keep costs down may hire information processing staff who live in a different city, region, or country. Workers who live in locations where local wages are lower than in the United States can be recruited for information processing work.

Information processing jobs at home are available. Job seekers who sign up with agencies and approach employers directly can find work that they can perform entirely off site.

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Information Processing Jobs at Home