Are you looking for a sample pre-employment clerical test? These types of tests typically have several components, including language, math and computer software skills, as well as typing speed. Whether you are an employer who needs to add a clerical employee to your staff or an individual who is in the process of applying for this type of job, the sample tests presented here can be very helpful.
Printable Grammar, Proofreading and Math Tests
LoveToKnow has created three free printable clerical skill assessments for you to download and use. Simply click the images below and download the printable clerical tests to use for practice - or to administer to applicants you are considering hiring. Note that the second page of each printable test is its answer key.
If you need help downloading the printables, check out these helpful tips.
Grammar Test
Since clerical employees typically engage in face-to-face and written communication on behalf of their employers, grammar skills are essential for career success. This quiz covers some of the most common grammatical mistakes in examples relevant to a professional environment.

Proofreading Test
Clerical employees are often responsible for proofing letters, proposals and other business documents, so being able to proofread and make corrections is just as important as having solid grammar skills.

Math Test
Business math skills are essential for many clerical jobs. This printable test covers common workplace situations requiring math skills that clerical employees might face. It's not a sufficient exam for accounting or bookkeeping positions, but can help you make sure that you - or the person you are considering hiring - is ready for basic office situations requiring math.

Typing Test
Typing speed is also critical for clerical positions. LoveToKnow has created an online typing test designed to determine typing speed.
Data Entry Assessment
For some clerical jobs, data entry speed is also critical. LoveToKnow has created a specialized online test designed to measure 10-key speed.
Online Computer Skill Assessments
Written tests are not sufficient to assess computer skills. Tests designed to determine whether or not someone has the ability to use specific computer applications should be hands-on performance tests designed to assess skill. While many of these types of tests are fee-based, there are a few no-cost online resources for assessments. Options include:
- Brainbench - Well-known testing company Brainbench offers a number of no-cost skill assessment exams at any given time. However, available free exam offerings change regularly, as they are made possible through sponsorships and beta-testing opportunities. While you can't count on always being able to find the types of tests that you need on this site, it's a good resource to check any time you are searching for no-cost computer skill tests.
- CTS Computer Learning Center - CTS is a Philadelphia-based training company that offers free computer skill assessments on its website. Topics available include Computer Basis, Windows, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
- Skills-Assessment.net - This website has no-cost exams for a variety of computer applications, including each component of the Microsoft Office Suite, as well as Microsoft Project and SQL. If you want to set up blocks of tests, there is a fee, but there is no charge for individual exams.
Using Clerical Skill Assessments
If you are looking for a new job, using these free clerical skill assessment resources can help you determine your current skill level so that you can make wise choices about what types of jobs to seek, as well as to make decisions about what type of career training or professional certifications you should consider pursuing in order to accomplish your employment goals. If you are an employer who is seeking to hire a new clerical staff member, these tests can provide you with a way to determine what skills the candidates you are considering have to offer.