If you love horses, you might be well suited for equestrian employment. There are many different types of jobs in this field. Some require little experience while others require many years of formal education.
List of Equestrian Employment Opportunities
If you like riding horses, why not consider doing it for a living? Professional riders can earn a good living riding in shows and rodeos. Many riders also earn money from being trainers.
This is one career that you need to be born for because of height and weight requirements. If you have the correct build and like to race, however, then this could be the job for you. Keep in mind, though, that racing is dangerous. You may also need additional income sources unless you become one of the top jockeys.
Groomers spend considerable amounts of time with the horses grooming them so they will look their best at shows. The pay is low but it can be a good start in the industry or as a way to help pay for riding lessons.
Riding Instructor
Many instructors begin as professional riders. This is because the instructor must be an expert in order to teach customers how to ride. Instructors usually work at stables or other places paying customers visit.
Horse Trainer
Often riding instructors will also work as horse trainers. Some trainers will work at a stable or farm. Others may provide classes to the public, teaching horse owners how to train their own horses. You don't need to be a "horse whisperer" to do this job but it doesn't hurt to have this skill.
This is not an entry-level job, but rather is something you can work up to if you choose to do so. To be a breeder you will need a ranch or farm with enough land to raise horses. This is in addition to the expert eye required to spot potential champion show or racehorses.
Just like people have varying footwear needs, so do horses. A farrier is a blacksmith that makes horseshoes. To get started in this career you need to either graduate from a farrier school or be an apprentice of a master farrier.
Veterinarians are responsible for monitoring the health of horses and performing operations when needed. Becoming a veterinarian first requires a bachelor's degree and then being accepted into a graduate-level veterinarian program.
Veterinarian Technician
If you enjoy medicine and horses but don't want to attend veterinarian school, consider becoming a technician instead. Many technicians only need an associate degree. You'll get to spend as much time with horses as the veterinarian, but you'll perform more routine procedures.
Massage and Physical Therapist
These jobs are similar to their human counterparts. Massage therapists help keep horses in top condition and help them avoid injury. Physical therapists help horses recover from injuries and often work with trainers.
Exercise Rider
To become a jockey, often you'll start as an exercise rider. Your job will be to ride all the horses during their exercise sessions. At a large stable, you may ride over 20 horses a day.
To prepare a horse for a show or a photo shoot, a braider will spend hours braiding the horse's hair. If you have the patience and dexterity, this can also be a good start in the equestrian industry.
Your Career Working with Horses
This is only a sample of the equestrian employment opportunities available to you. There are also other careers that word indirectly with horses. Examples include being an equestrian journalist or writer, a horse photographer or even a job as a mounted police officer. Consider your gifts and skills, personality type and educational goals and then determine how you can combine this with your love of horses.