Entry Level Oil and Gas Jobs

Oil Rig Worker

Are you interested in learning more about entry level oil and gas jobs? Find out what kinds of positions may be available for newcomers to the oil and gas industry and get suggestions for where to look for openings.

Entry Level Jobs in the Oil and Gas Industry

There are several different types of entry level jobs in the oil and gas industry.

  • Offshore Positions - Taking an offshore drilling job means you'll be working on a drilling rig monitoring the drills, maintaining the drilling equipment and using other skills you might possess. Other jobs on a rig include communications, painters and a roustabout, which means you'll maneuver various supplies around the rig for the other workers. Note that these kind of jobs may also be needed for onshore rigs as well.
  • Oil Refineries - Many entry level jobs in an oil refinery plant involve the production, refining and transportation of oil and gas. You can find jobs on the drilling team, the refining teams and even on the transporting teams if you have the proper driving credentials, like a current commercial driver's license (CDL).
  • Pipeline Employment - There are opportunities to work on oil pipelines in areas where these types of oil trasportation systems exist. Positions may involve installing and maintaining pipelines, as well as other related tasks.
  • Cleanup Jobs - Oil spills and accidents do happen. When a spill occurs, one of the most basic jobs that arise or becomes more prominent is for oil spill cleanup workers. Some entry level jobs include tar removal from beaches, working on a boat that skims the oil from the water's surface and setting up oil blockades to halt the oil from going ashore.

Where to Find Entry Level Oil and Gas Jobs

If you want to find local jobs, begin by scanning local newspapers and online job seeker sites for job openings. Additionally, visit the websites of any oil production companies that may be located in your local area and look for a "careers" or "employment opportunities" page. You'll likely be able to search for openings and submit your application online.

If you want to expand your search beyond just your local area, consider using online resources that may provide information about job openings with oil companies in other geographic regions. A few resources that you may want to check include:

  • Oil Careers includes jobs that span the entire globe. You can browse by regions and then get more specific by looking through the categories. There are many upper-level jobs you might have to sift through to find the entry level jobs, but keep in mind that it's very unlikely you'll find jobs in your area, especially if you live in a rural area or in a smaller town. At the bottom of the web page, you find an alphabetical listing of popular job search categories that include job positions as well as company names. This website is a good start if you are looking for entry level jobs and oil refineries, offshore drilling platforms or working on pipelines.
  • The The Job Search Engine will show you jobs in any location of your choosing. The default location is the United States. Many of the jobs may be hybrid jobs that include technological jobs with the oil and gas industry. The web site is actually named Juju and besides direct job postings, the site may also pull from other job sites to give you a comprehensive listing of entry level jobs.
  • Oil and Gas Job Search is a good place to search for oil and gas throughout North America. You can search an extensive database of paid job placements, so you can be comfortable that the positions listed are from companies that are actively recruiting. You can also create a candidate profile, upload your resume and find out more about major employers in this industry.

Preparing for Your Entry Level Job Search

Where ever you find entry level oil and gas jobs, ensure your resume is up-to-date and includes any relevant experience in the oil and gas industry. Sometimes that experience is the difference between an employer calling you or filing your resume away.

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Entry Level Oil and Gas Jobs