Are you considering a career coach training program? Be sure to consider whether the program you are considering will provide you with the credentials necessary to become certified.
Definition of Career Coach
A career coach is a person who works with clients to help them make the right career choices. The coach may work with clients who are re-entering the work force or with people who need guidance in finding out what type of work would be a good fit for their skills, abilities and personality traits.
How Career Coaches Work
Career coaches help each client identify the goals he or she wants to achieve. As the client starts to make progress toward goal accomplishment, the career coach may provide encouragement to help the client stay on track. In some cases, the coach will help the client with his or her job search by identifying suitable job openings and offering suggestions on how to apply for them.
Educational Background
A person who wants to work as a career coach can start by getting an undergraduate degree in business. Some career coaches hold a Master's degree. This type of educational background can help coaches understand the way that organizations operate. Taking psychology courses is also good preparation for working as a career coach. The coach needs to understand why people behave as they do, and the thought process that goes into making decisions about career choices and goals. University courses that help a student with his or her critical thinking abilities and communication skills would also be helpful.
Career Coach Training Options
Prospective career coaches can consider the following organizations' requirements for becoming certified:
International Coach Federation
The International Coach Federation offers three levels of credentials for those people interested in becoming certified career coaches. To attain the Associate Certified Coach level, an individual must have completed at least 100 coaching hours and have at least eight clients. A Professional Certified Coach must have successfully completed 750 coaching hours and have a roster of 25 clients or more. To become a Master Certified Coach, 2,500 coaching hours are required. The Master Certified Coach also has 35 clients or more.
Coaches Training Institute
The Coaches Training Institute offers a series of courses for career coaches, including an introductory program for those people who are considering a career in this field. The entire program includes the following components:
- Co-Active Coaching Fundamentals
- Fulfillment
- Balance
- Process
- In the Bones
Participants who complete a six-month certification program are eligible for the Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC). This program includes weekly teleconference calls, listening to pre-recorded lectures and completing reading assignments. Candidates must pass an oral and written exam to obtain their CPCC designation.
Career Coach Academy
Career Coach Academy offers Certified Career Coach Training, which is a 30-hour program. This company conducts tele-classes, which makes taking the program convenient for working adults. The company also offers a Leadership & Talent Management Coach Training program. It is 37.5 hours in length, and is geared toward those working in management or supervisory roles.
Life Purpose Institute
The Life Purpose Institute provides training to people interested in becoming a life coach. Since life coaches work with people who are in transition, this type of training could also be considered career coach training. Students can enroll in a 17-week teleconference course or attend a five-day session in either San Diego, CA or Atlanta, GA.
The program covers coaching skills and strategies for keeping clients motivated and on track. Participants get the tools they need to help clients determine what their true passions are, how to integrate them into life and career choices, as well as how to overcome barriers to success. Marketing strategies for building up a practice and practical considerations that business owners need to be aware of are also covered in this program.