How to Use

Find Jobs Using

Are you looking for a new job? If you conduct an online search for just about any type of job opening, you're likely to come across The site is a powerful job search engine, but it provides many additional benefits to job seekers Find out how to use the site effectively in your own job search.

Search for Jobs

You may conduct basic and advanced job searches on While it is not necessary to register to search for jobs, it is advisable to do so. If you become a registered user, you'll be able to see an online record of your job search history, track applications that you have submitted and utilize other site features. There is no cost to search for jobs on the site, or to become a registered user.

Basic Job Search

The most basic way that job seekers can use is to visit the site and search for job openings using the "Find Jobs" function. You can search by typing in one or more keywords for jobs that interest you and/or the geographic location where you want to work directly from the home page. If you'd rather search by category rather than entering your own keywords, that option is also available from the home page.

Advanced Job Search

If your job search needs are more complicated, you can click on the Advanced Search link on the main page. When you do this, you'll be directed to a form that allows you to specify additional detail about what you are looking for. With the Advanced Search option, you can structure your search by the following options:

  • Degree requirements
  • Employment type
  • Job categories
  • Keywords
  • Locations (up to three)
  • Mileage radius from specified locations
  • Salary range
  • Industry

The Advanced Search function also allows you to exclude positions based on specified criteria. You can choose to exclude positions from certain companies and those containing certain keywords or titles. You can also exclude national/regional jobs, non-traditional positions and those that don't include salary information.

Apply for Jobs

Positions advertised on typically include an option that allows users to apply directly through the site. Using this feature can simplify and streamline the process of submitting applications for job openings that you discover while searching the site.

Resume Services

In addition to using the site to search for job openings, you can also post your resume on the site. This makes it possible for employers who are conducting candidate searches to find you on the site. Having your resume uploaded to the site also makes it easy for you to apply for some of the positions you may find advertised on the site. If you want to keep track of what employers view your resume and make certain that it shows near the top of relevant searches, consider subscribing to Resume Upgrade.

Job Recommendations

Once you upload your resume and begin using the site to search and apply for jobs as a registered user, you'll begin to benefit from the site's Job Recommendation feature. This feature uses information provided in your resume along with details about your search and application history to match you with position announcements that match your preferences and activities. This feature makes it possible for you to receive notifications of relevant position announcements even on days that you are not actively searching for openings on the site.

Enjoy Job Search Success is a powerful resource for job seekers. Visit the website often to search and apply for jobs. Be sure to enhance your job search capabilities by uploading and maintaining your resume and take advantage of the professional assistance and resume upgrade features if such services will be beneficial to you. You can find additional information and resources on the site, including online career tests and a salary calculator via the Advice and Resources tab. Your job search efforts are sure to be enhanced when you utilize this powerful website.

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